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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282068All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Common PDF Template Updates

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report common PDF template is updated to correct various spelling errors and item label updates.

PSSR-281432CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Common Submission Files Update 

The common (across all states) CRDC 2020-2021 Report's school submission files will no longer insert an extra carriage return or add extra columns under certain data scenarios.


CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Sub-District Validation Improvement

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report is updated to display an informational message in the District (LEA) PDF file letting administrators know when required sub-district setup elements are missing.

PSSR-281007Ability to import Student Digital Resources Data to be Viewed in the Admin and Parent Portals

The ability to import Student Digital Resources records for students has been added.

PSSR-277642Course Extract (SFTP) Should Include Sections From Certain Courses When No Students are Enrolled

Course Extract (SFTP) Version 3.8

The extract has been updated to include records for the following course numbers, regardless of the number of students currently enrolled:

  • 51067
  • 51068
  • 51996
  • 52996
  • 53996
  • 54996
  • 01066
  • 01067
  • 01068
  • 01996
  • 02996
  • 03996
  • 04996
  • 99000
  • 99008
  • 99012
  • 99013
  • 99014
  • 99015
PSSR-277058CRDC 2020-21 Report Updates

In order to meet federal reporting requirements for the 20-21 CRDC submission, the following report updates have been made:

New and Required:

  • COVID Directional Indicators

New and Optional:

  • Updated: Pre-K out of school suspensions - Changed to a single collection of one or more out of school suspensions instead of two separate collections (only one and more than one)
  • New: OFFN-5 - OFFN-10 for tracking staff offenses (Schools / School Info)

All items optional for the 2017-2018 collection are required for the 2020-21 collection:

  • Computer Science course information:
    • Number of classes
    • Student enrollments
    • AP enrollments
  • ‘School Internet Access and Devices’ and ‘Wi-Fi Enabled Devices’ information

Items no longer collected (removed):

  • Preschool age for non-IDEA children
  • Credit Recovery information
  • AP Collection items: Student enrollment in 'AP - Other' subjects, Student participation in AP Exams
  • Staff Information: Teacher years of experience, Teacher absenteeism, Current and previous year teachers count
  • All staff expenditures information (EXPD-1 through EXPD-8)

Additional report enhancements:

  • Ability to select report outputs at run-time (PDF Files, Audit Files, Submission Files)
  • Class Audit File is updated to include teacher name

NOTE: The following items related to student offenses are still pending, and the updated logic will be available in a future state reporting update.

  • DISC-8a
  • DISC-10
  • DISC-12
  • OFFN-1
  • HIBS-1b
PSSR-281294New Report for 2020–2021 CRDC Reporting

CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.0
A new report, ‘CRDC Report (2020-2021)’ is available on the Report Works State tab under the Civil Rights Data Collection (2020-2021) section.

PSSR-278167School Enrollment Extract (SFTP) Gives Blank Output When Run From District

School Enrollment Extract (SFTP): Version 5.3
When the report is run from the district and the user has opted to ‘Set All’ for the report parameters, the report will no longer save a value in the Default End Date parameter, which is hidden from users.

PSSR-266589Student Daily Attendance (SFTP) Does Not List All Present Codes When Run At District Office

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP): Version 3.6
The Attendance Code Dropdown logic has been modified to list all distinct present codes for all included schools.

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