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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-270218Attendance Code Extract - Attendance code mapping updates for 21-22

To comply with updated attendance reporting requirements for the 2021-2022 school year, the existing data entry on the ‘District > School Info > [select school]’ page has been updated as follows:

  • Existing row: Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present.
    • The data entry has been split into two rows, as outlined below:
      • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present - In Person
      • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present - Remote
  • Existing row: Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Tardy
    • The data entry has been split into two rows, as outlined below:
      • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Tardy - In Person
      • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Tardy - Remote

Attendance codes entered into the existing rows listed above will remain after this update; these values should be updated as appropriate for each school.

The report logic has also been updated to correctly map attendance codes based on the new data entry layout.

PSSR-273197NY SSEC Summary Data Collection: Performance Improvement

 NY SSEC Summary Data Collection Report:  Version 1.4

The NY SSEC Summary Data Collection report is updated for better performance.

PSSR-270217Staff Snapshot (SFTP) Updates

Staff Snapshot (SFTP) Report: Version 2.3

The Staff Snapshot (SFTP) report is currently only supported for local use. For added convenience, columns 111-116 have been added to the output and will always be extracted as blank.

PSSR-270184Staff: Expose the Legal Gender field and add Code: X - Nonbinary

A field for tracking Staff Legal Gender has been added to the staff information page, along with the ability to record a gender value of Non-binary (X).

Reporting logic: A value entered in this new field will take priority over a value entered in the existing gender field.

PSSR-270160Student Lite (SFTP): Career Path Code - new option required for 2021-2022

The CAREER PATH CODE option list on the Demographics (Student Lite) page has been updated to include a new value: Civic Readiness. If the page is submitted with this option selected, a value of ‘CIVIC’ will be saved to the database.

PSSR-270175Student Lite (SFTP): logic updates for address fields required for 21-22

Student Lite Extract (SFTP) Report: Version 4.1

To comply with updated reporting requirements, the logic for address fields(#29-33) in Student Lite Extract (SFTP) extract has been updated as follows:

If Address 1 as entered for the student is blank or contains a PO (“PO”, “P O “, “P.O.”) box:

  • Field 29 - Address 1: Reported as “UNKNOWN”
  • Fields 30-33: Reported as blank/empty
PSSR-270183Students: Expose the Legal Gender field and add Code: X - Nonbinary

A field for tracking Student Legal Gender has been added to the General Demographics page, along with the ability to record a gender value of Non-binary (X).

Reporting logic: A value entered in this new field will take priority over a value entered in the existing gender field.

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