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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.

PSSR-274799'Day Calendar Extract (SFTP)' Pulling Data From Excluded Schools With 0000 Location Code

Day Calendar Extract (SFTP): Version 2.3
The report has been modified to exclude records from schools that are excluded from state reporting.

PSSR-276991Assessment Course Associations Is Displaying Data In The Wrong Columns

The Assessment Course Associations page is updated to display data correctly. All titles in the header row and the values displayed under each are now matching.
District Setup > Assessment Course Associations page

PSSR-280894Student Digital Resources Extract (SFTP) - Yes/No Values Should Extract as Y or N

Student Digital Resources (SFTP): Version 1.3

The report is updated to extract a value of Y or N for the following fields:

  • Column 7: School Provided Device Indicator
  • Column 10: Primary Learning Device Sufficiency Indicator

  • Column 11:  Internet Access in Residence Indicator

  • Column 14: Internet Performance Code

PSSR-280895Student Digital Resources Extract (SFTP) - Dates should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-ddStudent Digital Resources (SFTP): Version 1.3

The report is updated to output all dates using ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format.

PSSR-280897Student Digital Resources Extract (SFTP) - Column 13 - Residential Broadband should be extracted as: ResBroadband

Student Digital Resources (SFTP): Version 1.3

The report is updated to extract the Internet Access Code option of ‘Residential Broadband’ as ‘ResBroadband’.



Student Digital Resources - Typographic and formatting error Multiple formatting and typographical errors have been corrected on the Student Digital Resources data entry pages (Admin and Parent portals)
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