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Data Field Mapping


This report is used to update data in a field when the options for the field have changed. Enter the name of the table and field followed by comma-delimited lists of the old and new data value mappings. For example, entering an old value list of "1,2,3" and a new value list of "A,B,C" will change the value in the field and table specified from "1" to "A", "2" to B" and "3" to "C" for all matching records. All values will be treated as text, so "01/01/201o" will not match "1/1/2010".

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. There are no selection criteria for the Data Mapping Report.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Data to be Filled

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All.

Name of Table

Enter the name of the table that contains the field to be updated.

Name of Field

Enter the name of the field that contains the value to be updated.

Old Values (comma-delimited list)

Enter a list of existing values stored in the table and field entered above. The report will locate all records with one of the values listed. Separate multiple values with commas and no spaces, such as: X1,X2,X3

New Values (comma-delimited list)

Enter a list of new values to store in the table and field entered above. The report will replace all records with one of the values listed. Separate multiple values with commas and no spaces, such as: Y1,Y2,Y3

Commit Changes?

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu. Both options produce a PDF that displays the table, field, old values, and new values entered above.

  • No, See a Trial Run – See the number of records that will be updated based on the criteria entered above. It is recommended to choose this option before committing changes to the database.
  • Yes, Write Changes to the Database – Replace the existing values in the database with the new values entered above.

Note: Committing changes to the database cannot be reversed. You can edit the new data, but it is not possible to revert the changes without restoring to a PowerSchool backup.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Item #

Data Element




Date and Time

The date and time the report was executed.



Changes Committed to Database

Indicates whether data was updated in the database, based on the selection at report runtime.




The database table and field included in the report.

Entered at report runtime.


Old Value

The existing value stored in the field, entered at report runtime.

Entered at report runtime.


New Value

The new value to be stored in the field, replacing the existing value. This value is also entered at report runtime.

Entered at report runtime.


Number of Records

The number of records with the existing value that are included in the “commit changes” action.


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