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SAMS - Claim Form A (AT-6)


This report includes attendance data for each of the 10 monthly sessions in a current or previous school year. The report includes details on opening enrollment, students who enrolled, left, or dropped out during the attendance session, and closing enrollment. Attendance calculations include tardies, unexcused/illegal absences, total absences, total attendance, and total possible attendance (membership). This report can be run for the selected school only.

The report uses the reporting segments saved in the S_REPORTING_SEGMENTS_S table. Running the "Generate Reporting Segments for AT6" report will create the 10 reporting segments for every school for every school year that does not have reporting segments in this table. For further information about reporting segments, see State Reporting Setup.

This report has two sections:

  • A summary section that shows the counts and attendance totals by grade level as well as the overall totals per column.
    • The ADA calculation at the summary level is Aggregate Attendance / Days in Session since this calculate is the average for all students in the grade.
  • A detail section that shows the student level detail used to calculate the totals shown in the summary section.
    • The ADA calculation for a student is Days Present / Days Enrolled. Days Enrolled can be less than Days in Session.

Note: Totals for ADA and ADA % by student for each grade are not shown because calculations are different for each student and different from the summary section at the top of the report.

Attendance values are formatted based on the attendance preferences set for each school (School Setup > Preferences). This includes the number of decimal places that are displayed, as well as whether the value has been rounded or truncated.

Last Day of the Month Transfers

If a student has an exit date at the beginning of the month, but the last day in session was in the previous month, the student is counted as an opening enrollment that immediately left.

For example, if a student's last in-session day is Friday 2/27:

Friday 2/27 - in session day

Saturday 2/28

Sunday 3/1

Monday 3/2 - in session day - student transferred

The resulting report output will be: Opening Enrollment=1, Closing Enrollment=0, and Left=1

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Invalid Data

The report looks for invalid data and sets a notation on students to identify the error. The data is invalid if the student is missing a Full Time Equivalency setup or if it was imported with an invalid value and/or if the student enrollment dates are not within the selected school year.

When the Student Audit option is set to Yes, the report will check for data errors that can cause invalid attendance. If an error is found, a notation with an *1, * 2 or * 3 is displayed next to the student name (internal ID), indicating an invalid data setup that can cause attendance to be incorrect for that student.

  • *1: Full-Time Equivalency is not set.
  • *2: Full-Time Equivalency is not valid for school and year.
  • *3: Enrollment dates are not within the selected school year.

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Required Setup

  • Years and Terms: Define the year-long term for each school. The recommended setup is to define the year-long term as starting on 7/1 and ending on 6/29. (School Setup > Years and Terms)
  • Attendance Codes: Define Tardy and Unexcused Absence attendance codes at the district. (District Setup > Schools/School Info)
  • Exit Codes: Define dropout exit codes at the district; assign to students as appropriate. (District Setup > Exit Codes)
  • Attendance Calculation Accuracy: The accuracy of the report calculations can be controlled using the attendance preference settings for each school. The recommended setup is to truncate values at a calculation accuracy of 2-4 decimal places. (School Setup > Preferences).
  • Reporting Segments: The report uses reporting segments saved in S_REPORTING_SEGMENTS_S table. The 10 reporting segments for every school and school year are created by the "Generate Reporting Segments for AT6" report, which only needs to be run once a year. The first time "Generate Reporting Segments for AT6" is run, reporting segments are generated for all school years (past and present). After that, the report can be scheduled to run every year to generate segments for new schools and schoolyears. To add additional segments, or update the segment dates, go to Special Functions > New York Reporting Segments.
  • Calendar Setup: Calendar days that count towards the 180-day requirement but do not count towards ADA/ADM (for example Regents Days, Superintendent Days) should be marked as in-session with a membership value of 0.
  • Student Enrollments: Student school enrollments must align with the start and end dates of the school year as defined in Years and Terms for each school; failing to do so can cause Oracle errors to be generated when this report is run. In addition, the report may return with a zero value for all columns. To identify and correct records with invalid dates, run the School Enrollment Audit.

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Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students], [Reenrollments] and [Attendance] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in the school at some point during the report date range.
  • The qualifying enrollment record is not marked as excluded from attendance reporting.
  • The student must have attendance associated with the qualifying enrollment records.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the school that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Attendance Conversion

Choose one of the following:

  • [attendance conversion] – Use the attendance conversion in the pop-up menu to calculate attendance for all students.
  • Use Defaults – Use the attendance conversion assigned to each student, based on their Full Time Equivalency (FTE).

Reporting Segment

Choose the appropriate reporting segment from the pop-up menu.

Note: A reporting segment is required to run the report. If reporting segments have not been set up, run the “Generate Reporting Segments for AT6” report to create the segments. If edits are required for the reporting segment, go to Special Functions > New York Reporting Segments. For information about working with reporting segments, see State Reporting Setup.

Grades (multi-selectable)

By default, the option “All Grades” is selected and students in all grade levels will be included. You can filter by single or multiple grade levels.

Note: To allow for proper display of weighted ADA (WADA) values, Kindergarten students who attend a half-day session (KA, KP) will be reported separately from Kindergarten students who attend a full day session. Kindergarten students will be grouped automatically, based on the value stored in [S_NY_STU_X]KindergartenCode.

Comma-delimited list of Dropout exit codes

Enter a list of exit codes used to indicate that the student dropped out of the school. Separate multiple codes with a comma and no spaces.

Include Student Details

Select Yes to include the student details in the report results.

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Report Output - Summary

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Column #

Data Element



Header Rows


The name of the District,

District Setup > District Info.



The name of the selected school.

District Setup > Schools/School Info.


Reporting Segment

The reporting segment number selected when the report was generated.



The start date of the selected reporting segment.

Reported as the first in-session day of the selected segment.



The end date of the selected reporting segment.

Reported as the last in-session day of the selected segment.


Summary Columns



This column displays one row for each grade level selected on the report interface.

Kindergarten students are grouped based on the value stored in [S_NY_STU_X]KindergartenCode:

  • KA or KP = K -Half day
  • K or Null = K - Full day


[S_NY_STU_X]KindergartenCode (When grade level = 0)


Days In Session

The number of days marked as in-session for the selected reporting segment, regardless of the membership value.

[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1


Membership Days

The total number of days in the selected reporting segment that are marked as in-session and have a membership value of 1

Calculated per grade level based on the following:

[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1

 [Calendar_Day]Membership = 1


Opening Enrollment

The number of students actively enrolled on the first in-session day of the selected reporting segment.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:






Pupils Added

This column contains the total number of students who enrolled in the selected school during the selected reporting segment.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:







This column contains the total number of students enrolled in the selected school at any point during the selected reporting segment.

Opening Enrollment + Pupils Added

Calculated per grade level based on the following:






Pupils Left

This column contains the total number of students who withdrew from the selected school during the selected reporting segment.

Calculated based on the following:






Closing Enrollment

This column contains the student enrollment at the end of the reporting segment.

Registration – Pupils Left

Calculated per grade level based on the following:






Number of Tardies

This column contains the total number of tardy attendance records found for the selected reporting segment using the attendance mode selected at report runtime.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level based on values entered at:

District Setup > Schools/School Info > Tardy Attendance Codes


Illegal Absences

This column contains the total number of unexcused absence attendance records found for the selected reporting segment using the attendance mode selected at report runtime.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level based on values entered at:

District Setup > Schools/School Info > Unexcused Absence Attendance Codes


Total Absences

This column contains the total number of days absent for all students in this grade level during the selected reporting segment.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level using the attendance mode and attendance conversion selected at report runtime.


Aggregate Attendance

This column contains the total number of days all students in this grade level were in attendance (present) during the selected reporting segment.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level using the attendance mode and attendance conversion selected at report runtime.


Possible Aggregate Attendance

This column contains the aggregated total membership days possible for each grade level during the selected reporting segment.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade using the attendance mode and attendance conversion selected at report runtime



The average daily attendance (ADA) for the selected reporting segment. This calculation includes all students enrolled at any point during the report date range.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:

Aggregate Attendance (10) / Membership Days (1)



The average daily membership (ADM) for the selected reporting segment. This calculation includes all students enrolled at any point during the report date range.

Note: Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:

Possible Aggregate Attendance (11) / Membership Days (1)



The weighted average daily attendance (WADA) total is calculated by multiplying ADA by the appropriate grade-level weight.

Note: Students are considered to be Half-Kindergarten if assigned KA or KP for Kindergarten Enrollment on the State/Province – NY > Miscellaneous page.

Calculated per grade level using the following weights:

  • Half-day kindergarten students: ADA x 0.5
  • Full time students in grade levels K – 6: ADA x 1.0
  • Grade levels 7 – 12: ADA x 1.25
  • All other grade levels: N/A



The average daily attendance % for the selected reporting segment. This calculation includes all students enrolled at some point during the report date range.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:

ADA (12) / ADM (13)



The number of students who dropped out of the school during the report date range who were assigned one of the exit codes entered at report runtime.

Calculated per grade level based on the following:





Summary Totals


Totals for the current reporting segment ONLY

A total is printed for each column on the report.

Column totals are calculated as a sum of all grade level values for the current segment.

% ATT = ADA (12) / ADM (13)


Totals for all previous reporting segments.

A total is printed for all columns except the following:  columns 2-6, 12-15.

Calculated as a sum of all previous segments and grade level values.


Total A + Total B

A total is printed for all columns except the following:  columns 2-6, 12-15.

Calculated as a sum (per column) of Total A + Total B

Report Output – Student Detail

This section of the report contains student level details for fields displayed in the output of the report, as shown below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element




Sequential count for each row within a grade level.


Student Name

The name of each student displays. This field value is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.


(Internal ID)

Each student’s internal identification code is displayed for reference. This field value displays on the Teacher Comments page in PowerSchool.



Indicates whether each student dropped out during the reporting segment.


Opening Enrollment

Indicates whether each student was counted as being enrolled on the first in-session day of the selected reporting segment.



Indicates whether each student was counted as a new enrollment during the selected reporting segment.



Indicates whether each student was counted as a being withdrawn during the selected reporting segment.


Closing Enrollment

Indicates whether each student was counted as part of the closing enrollment for the selected reporting segment.


Days Possible

This column contains the total number of days each student was enrolled during the selected reporting segment.

Calculated based on student enrollment dates and the number of in session days during the selected reporting segment.

Days Present

This column contains the total number of days each student was in attendance during the selected reporting segment.

Calculated based on the selected attendance mode.

Days Absent

This column contains the total number of absent attendance records found for each student enrolled during the selected reporting segment using the attendance mode and attendance conversion selected at report runtime.

Calculated based on the selected attendance mode.


This column contains the average daily attendance (ADA) for each student enrolled during the selected reporting segment.

Calculated based on the selected attendance mode.


This column contains the average daily attendance percentage for each student enrolled during the selected reporting segment.


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