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Taylor's Law Report


Taylor's Law links a student's behavior in school to their ability to obtain a driving permit or license. Students who are 13 years and older accumulate points for disruptive behavior in school. These points are used to determine the age of eligibility for a student to apply to the Department of Public Safety for any license required by the state for the operation of a motor vehicle or vessel. This report provides a list of students with the number of points they have received based on state infractions, as well as the age and date of eligibility based on those points. 

Reporting period: As needed

Selection Criteria

  • The incident must have occurred on campus.

  • The incident behavior must involve a firearm offense or the incident action must involve a suspension or expulsion.

    • If the action is a suspension, the Action Duration Date Range must be populated.

Report Input

Navigation: Start Page > System Reports > State Reports > Taylor's Law Report

  1. Choose the schools and students to be included in the report.

  2. Select whether to include students without points.

  3. Enter scheduling information, if applicable, and click Submit.

Report Output

Format: PDF

File Name: SRP_TaylorsLawReport

The data sources for complex calculations are listed below.

Data Element

Additional Detail

Student Number

Identification number of the Student

Grade Level

Grade level of the student

Student Name

Name of the Student

AL Infraction Points


If [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actioncode and [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 100 or 101
adds 2 points per day suspended, calculated by


If [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 200
adds 20 points

Additional calculations:

  • Points are decreased by half when one year has elapsed since the last points accrued. Example: If one year has elapsed since the last discipline occurrence, a student with 5 points has their points reduced to 2.5. 

  • Points return to zero when two years have elapsed since the last points accrued. 

  • Points accumulate per school term from all schools in which the student was enrolled between ages 13 to 19. 

Grace Period Calculation:

  • In-School Suspension

    • If a student has received 3 days or less of In-School Suspension in the school year, the days will not be considered.

    • If a student has received 4 or more days of In-School Suspension in the school year, all days will be considered.

  • Out-of-School Suspension

    • If a student has received 2 days or less of Out-of-School Suspension in the school year, the days will not be considered.

    • If a student has received 3 or more days of Out-of-School Suspension in the school year, all days will be considered.

AL Infraction Days

Number of days considered for calculating AL Infraction points

Age of Eligibility

Firearm Offense
If [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=behaviorcode and [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 100 or 101
adds 180 points to eligibility birth date for each instance

Each accumulated point adds one week to the current age for eligibility of driver’s permit. 

Date of Eligibility

Firearm Offense
If [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=behaviorcode and [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 100 or 101
adds 180 points to eligibility birth date for each instance

Each accumulated point adds one week to the current age for eligibility of driver’s permit. 

Check Off

Manual entry field.

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