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Career Tech Setup


With Career Tech (CT), districts set up clusters, programs, and credentials offered by academic year, as well as enter the reimbursement needed for CT credential testing for each academic year. Once set up, schools and their teachers manage declared CTE programs, courses, and earned credentials for their students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) is focused on developing the skills of K-12 students by preparing them for postsecondary learning and workforce opportunities. CTE courses encourage students to explore and prepare for careers in agriculture, criminal justice, health science, hospitality, and more. Programs of study are organized by career clusters, which include distinct groupings of occupations and industries based on the knowledge and skills they require. Students enrolled in a program where career and technical skill proficiencies are aligned with industry-recognized standards can work towards industry credentials. The credential provides proof that the student possesses the minimum skills required for entry-level employment.

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Navigation: Start page > District Info > Career Tech Setup > Program Setup 

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