Discipline and Log Entries
Incident Management
Incident Types and state-reportable Codes and Subcodes are loaded with the PowerSchool State Reporting installer. Use the following to verify and/or edit incident management types, codes, and subcodes.
IMPORTANT: Do not edit or delete state-reportable codes maintained by PowerSchool.
Action Association Setup
Action associations are used to define whether an action is associated with a participant or behavior when creating quick incidents.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Go to Start Page, District Setup, Discipline and Log Entries, Incident Management, Action Association Setup. | ||
Quick Incident Action Association | Choose Behavior to associate actions to behavior codes, which is required for PEIMS reporting. | N/A |
Code and Subcode Setup
Code types are used as an organizational tool to categorize incidents. PowerSchool includes the following 11 system-defined, non-editable code types that provide the basis from which all user-defined incident codes, subcodes, and secondary subcodes are created.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Go to Start Page, District Setup, Discipline and Log Entries, Incident Management, Code & Subcode Setup. | ||
Action Codes | Action codes are used to assign disciplinary action to a behavior. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actioncode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Action Subcodes | Action subcodes are used to further define action codes. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Category [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code |
Attribute Codes | Attribute codes are used to describe further details about an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=attributecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Behavior Codes | Behavior codes are used to associate a behavior (alcohol, fights, vandalism, etc.) to an offender in an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=behaviorcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Behavior Subcodes | Behavior subcodes are used to further define behavior codes. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Category [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code |
Participant Attribute Codes | Participant attribute codes are used to describe detail about a participant. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=participantattributecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Location Codes | Location codes are used to identify the location of an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=locationcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Location Subcodes | Location subcodes are used to further define location codes. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Sub_Catetory [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code |
Object Codes | Object codes are used to describe an item used in the incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=objectcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Participant Role Codes | The following participant role codes are set up by default and should not be edited:
| N/A |
Time Codes | Time codes are used to assign a time of day (during school hours, outside school hours, etc.) to an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=timecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Duration Codes | Duration (hours, days, weeks, etc.) is assigned to a disciplinary action as the result of violent behavior in an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=durationcode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Action Change Codes | Action change codes are used to describe the reasons an action was changed. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actionchangecode [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Action Attributes | Action attributes are used to describe further details about an action taken in response to an incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category |
Verify, Add, or Edit Codes and Subcodes
To access the Incident Management Code & Subcode Setup page:
Log into the District Office.
On the start page, click District. The District Setup page appears.
Click Incident Management. The Incident Management Setup page appears.
Click Code & Subcode Setup. The Incident Management Code & Subcode Configuration page appears.
Use the expand/collapse icon to display the code type list. After selecting a code type, the code and subcodes for that type are displayed at the bottom of the page with another expand/collapse icon.
To verify that a code exists:
Click a Code Type. A section for the Code Type appears at the bottom of the page.
Review the list of codes. If a code is missing, see "To add or edit a new code".
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all Code Types.
To add or edit a code:
These steps may be used to add or edit local codes that are not state-reportable or to add/edit a local code that you need to map to a state reportable code.
Click a Code Type. A section for the Code Type appears at the bottom of the page.
Click the appropriate button to either add or edit a code or subcode.
To add a new code, click the Plus (+) button locate to the right of the code type.
To add a new subcode, select the appropriate code, and click the Plus (+) button next to the code.
To edit an existing code, select the code to edit, and click the Pencil icon next to the code.
To edit an existing subcode, select the subcode, and click the Pencil icon next to the subcode.
Complete the fields, and click Submit.
State-reportable codes are identified by a carat (^) in the name.
Do not edit or delete state-reportable codes. If you remove a carat or delete a code, there is no way to tell which code was edited/deleted.
Do not add a carat to a custom code that is added for local use.
Data Element | Additional Information |
Category | Enter the value that that will display when creating an incident. |
State Aggregate Code | Enter the state aggregate code that will be stored in the tables. This should not be one of the codes used by the state unless you are using a local code in the category and need it to map to a state reportable code. |
Display Order | Enter the order in which to display the code in the pop-up menu. |
Severity | Enter the level of severity. This field is used to determine the level of the behavior and is not used by the state. |
This code is not divided into subcodes. | Select if the code does not have subcodes. |
This code has at least one subcode. | Select if the code has subcodes. |
State Detail Report Code | Enter the state detail report code. For a state reportable code, the State Detail Report Code must be a valid state code. |
State Reportable | Select the checkbox if the code is state-reportable. Note: For an incident to be reported to the state, the action and the behavior codes must be checked as state reportable. |
Allow Comment | Select the checkbox if you want to allow comments to be made for this code. |
Make this Comment Mandatory | Select the checkbox if the comment is mandatory. |
Policy Description | Enter the policy description. This field is used to call attention to certain policies that the LEA and/or state have for the code. For example, when OSS is selected for Out of School Suspension the state policy displays that the suspension can be no more than 3 days in length. |
Incident Templates
Go to Start Page, District Setup, Incident Management, Incident Templates.
Create and manage Incident Templates.
Data Element | Additional Information |
Enable Template Name | Select to Enable Template Name |
Template Name | Enter a name. |
Template Description | Enter Template Description |
Template Built By | Specify the user who built the template |
Incident Types
Go to Start Page, District Setup, Incident Management, Incident Types
Use this page to verify the AL-specific incident management type, or to add local incident types that are not reportable to the state.
Note: To create incidents, security groups must be granted access to incident types.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Name | Using incident types, you can control who can view and enter specific types of incidents. See the PowerSchool System Help for more information. The following incident types must not be removed or edited.
| [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=incidenttype |
Log Entry Setup
Set up the log entry and sort order.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Field Name |
Date | The date when the Log entry was created | Entry_Date |
Time | The time when the Log entry was created | Entry_Time |
Author | The name of the person who created the Log entry | Entry_Author |
Log Type | Describes the Log entry type | LogType |
Subtype (optional for discipline) | Describes the Log entry subtype | Subtype |
Consequence (optional for discipline) | The outcome for the incident | Consequence |
Title | A summary of the incident | Subject |
Log Entry Text | The textual description of the incident | Entry |
Category | The incident category | Category |
Action Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | The date when action was taken | Discipline_ActionDate |
Action Taken | A summary of the action that was taken | Discipline_ActionTaken |
Action Taken Detail | A detailed description of the action that was taken | Discipline_ActionTakenDetail |
Action Taken End | The date when the Action Taken ended | Discipline_ActionTakenEndDate |
Alcohol Related | Indicates that the incident was (was not) alcohol related | Discipline_AlcoholRelatedFlag |
Drug Related | Indicates that the incident was (was not) drug related | Discipline_DrugRelatedFlag |
Drug Type | A detailed description of the drugs involved | Discipline_DrugTypeDetail |
Duration (Actual) | The actual duration of the action that was taken | Discipline_DurationActual |
Duration (Assigned) | The assigned duration of the action that was taken | Discipline_DurationAssigned |
Duration Change Source | The source for the duration change | Discipline_DurationChangeSource |
Duration Notes | A detailed description of the duration of the action that was taken | Discipline_DurationNotes |
Felony Flag | Indicates that the incident was (was not) a felony | Discipline_FelonyFlag |
Gang Related | Indicates that the incident was (was not) gang related | Discipline_GangRelatedFlag |
Hate Crime | Indicates that the incident was (was not) hate crime related | Discipline_HateCrimeRelatedFlag |
Hearing Officer | Indicates that the incident required (did not require) a hearing officer | Discipline_HearingOfficerFlag |
Incident Context | Detailed description of the context in which the incident occurred | Discipline_IncidentContext |
Incident Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | The date of the incident | Discipline_IncidentDate |
Incident Location | The location where the incident took place | Discipline_IncidentLocation |
Incident Loc Detail | Detailed description of the incident location | Discipline_IncidentLocDetail |
Incident Type | Describes the type of the incident | Discipline_IncidentType |
Incident Type Category | The incident type category | Discipline_IncidentTypeCategory |
Incident Type Detail | Provides detail for the incident type | Discipline_IncidentTypeDetail |
Likely Injury | Indicates that the incident most likely did (did not) result in an injury | Discipline_LikelyInjuryFlag |
Money Loss Value | The monetary value of property lost or damaged | Discipline_MoneyLossValue |
Offender | A categorical description of the offender | Discipline_Offender |
Police Involved | Indicates that the police were (were not) involved | Discipline_PoliceInvolvedFlag |
Reporter | The name of the person who reported the incident | Discipline_Reporter |
Reporter ID | The ID of the person who reported the incident | Discipline_ReporterID |
School Rules Violation | Indicates that the school rules were (were not) violated | Discipline_SchoolRulesVioFlag |
Sequence | The sequence number for the Log entry | Discipline_Sequence |
Victim Type | A categorical description of the victim | Discipline_VictimType |
Weapon Related | Indicates that weapons were (were not) involved | Discipline_WeaponRelatedFlag |
Weapon Type | Description of the weapons involved | Discipline_WeaponType |
Weapon Type Notes | A detailed description of the weapons involved | Discipline_WeaponTypeNotes |
Custom | A custom field | GenericCustom |
Log Type
Data Element | Description | [Table]Field Name |
Log Type | Enter the log type and click Submit |