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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-276130All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version: 1.3
The report has been updated and will not display duplicate daily/meeting attendance records in the output. The order of the records has also been updated and the data will display in descending order.

PSSR-276219All States/Provinces: Office Powerteacher Multi-Day Attendance Page now Honors the "No Blank Attendance Flag"

The PowerTeacher Portal's Multi-day Attendance page has been updated and will now honor the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-2754129th Grade Student Cohort Functionality Update

Student Cohort value will be updated only when a student is promoted/enrolled to the 9th Grade. In all other scenarios, no changes will be made on the Student Cohort value.

PSSR-278258AL DOE Update - Student Federal Page > Homeless Category Audit Tracking

Added audit tracking for Homeless Category in Federal Page.

PSSR-273870New CRDC 2020-21 Report

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report has been deployed for Alabama for 2020-21.

Note: Scheduling, Staff and Course data is not available in PS SIS for 2020-21 reporting.

PSSR-279367State Specific mapping for CRDC 2020-2021

CRDC Report (2020-2021) Version 1.0 is now available for reporting CRDC data for the School year 2020-2021.

Note: Scheduling, Staff and Course data is not available in PS SIS for 2020-21 reporting.

PSSR-203453School CRDC Screen Updates

The School CRDC screen is updated to have additional validation. If multiple schools share the same CRDC School ID, only one school can be marked as the primary school.

If a school is marked as primary but has a blank SCH ID, then a validation error will appear.

PSSR-279391CRDC Course and Section Screen Updates - Advanced Placement (AP) Subject Area

The AP Subject Area of ‘OT - Other’ is re-enabled on the CRDC Course and Section pages.
The CRDC report template includes courses that are flagged as OT in the AP Course counts for collection items APIB-4 and APIB-6.

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