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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274051AL Custom Tab Updates

IsTuition field renamed to Tuition and IsEnrichment field renamed to Enrichment.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > State/Province - AL > AL Custom tab


AL Federal Update: Expose PS CRDC Pages

  • First time CRDC implementation for AL (CRDC data collection for 2020-21)

  • Update state specific CRDC pages to use the Common CRDC page, with state specific differences implemented as page insertions.

  • Add CRDC page links to below listed pages -

    • District Info page

      • Path: Start Page > District Setup > District Information

      • Position: Bottom of Alabama State Reporting Information category

    • School Info page

      • Path: Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School

      • Position: Bottom of Alabama State Reporting Information category

    • Course page

      • Path: Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course

      • Position: Bottom of Alabama State Reporting Information category

    • Section page

      • Path: Start Page > School Setup > [Select Course] > Edit Section

      • Position: Bottom of Alabama State Reporting Information category

    • Staff Information page

      • Path: Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member

      • Position: Bottom of Alabama State Reporting Information category

    • Student

      • Start Page > Student Selection > State/Province - AL > Alabama State Reporting Information

      • New tab: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

PSSR-275030Student Transfer Withdrawal Page FixesDisplay size of UI fields updated on Student Transfer Withdrawal Pages to match database field size. Users will be able to view data without having to scroll within a field.
PSSR-274410AL Security UpdatesUpdates are made to prevent security attacks in the State Compliance Pages.
PSSR-272136Student Transfer Withdrawal Page - UI Updates

Renamed ‘City/Township’ to read as ‘City’ in the Student Transfer Withdrawal Pages -

  • Transfer Student Out

  • Edit Current Enrollment

  • Edit Previous Enrollment

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