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Numeracy Act

The Numeracy Act was enacted to implement steps to improve mathematics proficiency of public school K-5 grade students and to ensure that those students are mathematically proficient at or above grade level by the end of fifth grade. This section helps you collect data as per ALSDE requirements.

Navigation: Start, Select Student, AL-Legislative Acts, Numeracy Act tab


Data Element



Received/Receiving Dyscalculia specific intervention

Select this option if the student is receiving Dyscalculia specific intervention.


Identified as demonstrating characteristics of Dyscalculia

Select this option if the student is identified as demonstrating characteristics of Dyscalculia


Name of most recent Dyscalculia specific intervention being provided

Select the name of Dyscalculia specific intervention being provided



Data Element



Retained for Math

Select this option if the student is retained for Math.


Summer Math Camp

Summer Math Camp

Data Element



School Year

Select the school year.


Invited to Summer Math Camp

Select this option if the student was invited to Summer Math Camp.


Attended Summer Math Camp

Select this option if the student attended Summer Math Camp.


Hours of Summer Math Camp Offered

Select the Hours of Summer Math Camp Offered


Number of Hours Attended in Summer Math Camp

Enter the number of hours student attended the Summer Math Camp.


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