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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-230822AL - Field County is not seeded in PowerSchool.

The county codes are updated in the code set table. Field counties are now listed in PowerSchool.

PSSR-231573AL DOE Update - Add Home Language Field on Student Demographic Page

The "Home Language" data collection is added to the Demographics page for students so that the district meets DOE requirements.

PSSR-231572AL DOE Update - Rename Language Field to Native Language on Student Demographic Page

The Language field name updated to "Native Language" on the Student Demographics page.

PSSR-232249AL DOE Update - INOW Functionality to Student Cohort for 9th Graders

When you enroll the students in the 9th grade, the Student Cohort auto-populates the Cohort year.

PSSR-231401AL Monthly Attendance Register

AL Monthly Attendance Register: Version 1.0
AL Monthly Attendance Register will return one row per student enrollment for the selected month. This report is only for the daily code to day attendance. Each student row will contain the attendance code selected for the day if any, along with the details of total membership, present and absent for each day of that month. The report will also generate the consolidated data of that selected month.

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