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Monthly Attendance Register Report


The Monthly Attendance Register report specified by the Alabama State Department of Education is a twenty-three days student attendance report by grade. This report provides an audit of the Enrollment by Grade Report. By default, the codes and values displayed in the report represent only full-day absences and attendance. This report runs in District mode by default. If you would like to report to run for the currently selected school, select the current school only.

Selection Criteria

  • Attendance months should be set up for the academic session prior to generating this report. 
  • A maximum of 23 days is allowed per month.

Report Input

This report is run at the District and School level.

Navigation: Start Page > Reports > Reports (State Reports) > AL Monthly Attendance Register




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District-Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running a report.

Select student identification type

Choose the student(s) based on one of the following criteria:

  • Student Number
  • State ID Number
Absence CodeSelect the Absence Code based on which you want to generate the report.
DurationSelect the Month for which you want to generate the attendance data.
Report TypeChoose any one of the following Report types:
  • Both: Prints a Detail layout and a Report Summary.

  • Detail: Prints the Detail layout only.

  • Summary: Prints the Report Summary.

Order by

Click Order by to select the grouping order for printing the report and Submit.

  • Last Name: Prints students in ascending order by the last name.

  • Grade Level: Groups students by grade level and sorts by student’s last name.

Report Output

The Detailed Report

Format: PDF

File Name: AL Monthly Attendance Register report

See PowerSource for assistance with troubleshooting ADA and ADM calculations.

Data Element


SchoolThe identification number of the school.[Schools]school_number
School NameThe name of the school.[Schools]name
Academic YearThe academic year for which the report is applicable.Format = YYYY-YYYY
District Number/NameThe district number and name.[Prefs]DistrictNumber, districtname
PagePage numbers in the report.Page number. (page 1, page 2, etc)
Date RunThe Date and Time the report is generated. Format = YYYY-YYYY.
MonthThe Month for which the report is generated (Use Reporting Segment).Month
FromThe Start Date of the Attendance Month selected on the input page. Format = YYYY-YYYY
ToThe End Date of the Attendance Month selected on the input page.Format = YYYY-YYYY
Codes SelectedThe state codes for the Absence Reason(s) selected.Absence codes
NameName of the student.[students]lastfirst
IDState Identification number of the student.[students]state_studentnumber
GradeGrade Level of the student.[students]grade_level
TRTransporation type of student.[transportation]type
Absence CategoryAbsence Category codes.[Attendance_codes]Attn_codes
Absence ReasonReason for absence.Attn_codes
Report TypeTypes of reports that can be printed.Detail, Summary, Both
PeriodDuration of a class.Period
Order ByThe grouping order for printing the report.Last Name, Grade Level
Format The format of the report.


The Group Summary Report

Format: PDF

File Name: AL Monthly Attendance Register report

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
AttendanceDays AbsentAttendance
AttendanceTotal Absentees in the classAttendance
Students, AttendanceCount/MalesStudents, Attendance
Count/TransportedThe count of students using transportation.Students, transportation
Count/Non-TransThe count of students not availing the transportation facility.Students, transportation
Count/RaceStudent attendance according to ethnicityStudents, Attendance, ethnicity
EnrolledThe count of students enrolledps_adaadm_defaults_all, Field: Membershipvalue
AbsentThe count of absent studentsps_adaadm_defaults_all, Field: AttendanceValue=0
%AbsentThe percentage of absent studentsps_adaadm_defaults_all, Field: AttendanceValue=0 divided by No of Students
PresentTe count of students who are presentps_adaadm_defaults_all, Field: AttendanceValue=1
%PresentPercentage of present studentsps_adaadm_defaults_all, Field: AttendanceValue=1 divided by No of Students
ADAAverage Daily Attendance, that is, the average number of students per day recorded as "present" for a specified date range or attendance period.sum(days in mem) - Sum(days_absent) / No of days
ADMAverage Daily Membership, that is, the average number of students per day enrolled) for a specified date range or attendance period.sum(days in mem) / No of days

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