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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-220339Add Credentials Data Collection Field to the Office Visit Screen

Added the Credentials data collection field to the Office Visit page, and added the Credentials field on the Office Visit home page.

PSSR-220340Add Credentials Data Collection Field to PE Excuse Waiver

Added the Credentials data collection field to PE Excuse Waiver, and added the Credentials field on the PE Excuse Waiver home page.

PSSR-238010AL DOE Update – Audit Tracking Implemented on Homeless Fields

Audit tracking is implemented on the Homeless category fields on the Federal tab.
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > State/Province - AL > Federal tab > Homeless History

PSSR-232437AL DOE Update – Audit Tracking Implemented on Athlete Student Data Collection with History Tracking

Audit tracking is implemented on the Student Athlete data collection on the AL Custom tab.

PSSR-236950AL DOE Updates – Audit Tracking Implemented on Title I Student Fields

Audit tracking is implemented on Title I Student fields.
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > State/Province-AL > Federal tab > Title I Programs.

PSSR-220343AL Health - Medication Updates

The following updates to the Medication pages are available:

  • Added a Credentials field is on the Add/Edit Medication and Medication Doses page.
  • Delete action removed from the Medication and the Medication Doses pages.
  • The Note field is now required for inventory actions of Count Correction.
PSSR-236947Audit tracking implemented on Non-Traditional Student Type field on AL Custom tab

Audit tracking is implemented on the Non-Traditional Student Type field on the AL Custom tab.
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > State/ Province - AL > AL Custom > Non-Traditional Student Type History

PSSR-234508Validation messages and popup titles updated for Foster Care

The validation messages and titles in the popup boxes for Foster Care were updated for consistency.

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