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Seal of Biliteracy

A Seal of Biliteracy is an award that is granted by a school, district, state or other organization. A Seal of Biliteracy recognizes that an individual has attained a certain level of proficiency in two or more languages. A Seal of Biliteracy is typically awarded in the form of a certificate and can be used as a credential to convey an individual’s proficiency in two or more languages.

Data Element




Data Type

Awarded the seal of Biliteracy

Select this option if the student has been awarded the Seal of Biliteracy.




Add Assessment Record


Select the Biliteracy language.




Enter the score.



Name of Assessment

Enter the name of the assessment.



Date Completed

Select the assessment completed date. 

[S_AL_STU_BILITERACY_C] Date_Completed



Assessment History


The assessed language.




The assessment score.



Name of Assessment

The name of the assessment.



Date Completed

Assessment completed date. 

[S_AL_STU_BILITERACY_C] Date_Completed


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