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This table is an extension of the Students' table. 

Column Name


Data Type



The primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students' table. 

EndDate19.12.1.0DateThe student's End Date at the Special Treatment Center.
Special Treatment Center19.12.1.0Number(11,0)The Special Treatment Center name.
StartDate19.12.1.0DateThe student's Start Date at the Special Treatment Center.
PLACEMENTREASON20.3.2.0Number(11,0)The Placement Reason of the student at the Special Treatment Center.
ASSIGNEDBY20.3.2.0Varchar2(50)The Assigned By name.
CASENO20.3.2.0Varchar2(25)The Case Number.
AGENTNAME20.3.2.0Varchar2(50)The Judge/Agent name.
RETURNDATE20.3.2.0DateThe Return Date of the student at the Special Treatment Center.
RETURNREASON20.3.2.0Number(11,0)The Return Reason of the student at the Special Treatment Center.
DESTINATIONDISTRICT21.9.1.0Varchar2(31)The Destination District Number
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