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S_AL_STU_Federal_Homeless_C ver (deprecated in SR_21.5.3.0)

This page is only for reference. This table has been deprecated as with the version SR_21.5.3.0

This table is an extension of the Students table. 

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID20.5.2.0Number(19,0)The primary key.

The primary key that relates the child table back to the Students table.

Start_Date20.5.2.0DateThe start date of the Homeless Program.
End_Date20.5.2.0DateThe end date of the Homeless Program.
Homeless_Residency_Sta20.5.2.0Number(11,0)The student's Homeless Status.
HM_Local_TF20.5.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the homeless student receives funding locally.
HM_State_TF20.5.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the homeless student receives funding from the state.
HM_TitleI_TF20.5.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the homeless student is part of a Title I program.
HM_McKinneyVentoGrant_TF20.5.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the homeless student is funded by the McKinney-Vento Grant.
Unaccompanied_Youth_TF20.5.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the homeless student is an unaccompanied youth.


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