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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-285834AL Health Module Updates

New code value ““Within Normal Limits”” added to BloodGlucoseLevel Code Set

Path: Start Page> Student Selection> Health> Monitoring tab> Add button> Diabetes Monitoring

PSSR-285338AL Monthly Attendance Report - Deprecated.

AL Monthly Attendance Report has been removed from State Reports Page.

PSSR-278079Audit Tracking Updates - Special Programs and Federal Program Fields

Audit Tracking option enabled on Special Programs tab and Federal Programs tab for the below listed fields -

  1. Special Programs Fields (Status, Case Manager, Gifted, Exceptionality, IEP From Date, IEP To Date, LRE, IEP, Annual Review Due Date, Current Evaluation Date, Reevaluation Due Date, Graduation Pathway, Special Education Exit Date, Special Education Exit Reason, Exiting Exceptionality, In-State Transfer, Out-of-State Transfer, Gifted Teacher, Gifted Consent Denied, Student is eligible under Section 504)
  2. Federal Program fields (EL, EL Program Entry Date, EL Program Exit Date, EL Status, Student with Interrupted Formal Education, Student with Limited and Interrupted Formal Education, Long-Term English Learner)
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