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S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X (ver

This is an extension of the Students table and is used for reporting Special Programs data to the state ODS.

Column Name


Data Type


ApprovalDate20.8.2.0DateSnapShot Approval date
BirthDate20.8.2.0DateStudent Date of Birth
District20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)District Name
DistrictID20.8.2.0Varchar2(15)District number
EndDate20.8.2.0DateReport End Date
FirstName20.8.2.0Varchar2(30)Student First Name
HomePhone20.8.2.0Varchar2(20)Home Phone
LastName20.8.2.0Varchar2(30)Student Last Name
LRECode20.8.2.0Varchar2(50)LRE Code
MiddleName20.8.2.0Varchar2(30)Student Middle Name
PostSchDaysWorked20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)5. After leaving high school, how many days have you worked at your job (or jobs)?
PostSchDaysWorkedAt20.8.2.0Varchar2(30)If you worked 90 days or more, where did you work?
PostSchDescrEdTrain20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)11. Describe the kind of postsecondary education or training program.
PostSchEmpHelp20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)8. To assist you in your employment after leaving high school, have you asked for help because you have a disability?
PostSchEnrEdTraining20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)10. At any time since leaving high school, have you ever been enrolled in any type of education or training program?
PostSchEverWorked20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)2. At any time after leaving high school, have you ever worked?
PostSchExit20.8.2.0Varchar2(25)Former Student's basis of exit
PostSchFirstAttDt20.8.2.0DateFirst Attempt - Date
PostSchFirstAttReason20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)First Attempt - Reason no contact
PostSchGoalEmployment20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Post-school goals in this former student’s last IEP include
PostSchGoalOther20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Post-school goals in this former student’s last IEP include
PostSchGoalSchool20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Post-school goals in this former student’s last IEP include
PostSchIntCompDt20.8.2.0DateInterview Completed Date
PostSchInterviewer20.8.2.0Varchar2(20)Interviewer's Name, First Name Last Name
PostSchIntWasAble20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Interviewer was able
PostSchJobBenf_Insurance20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits? - Insurance
PostSchJobBenf_Leave20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits? - Leave
PostSchJobBenf_NoReply20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits? - No Reply
PostSchJobBenf_Other20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits? - Other
PostSchNoTrainEdBecause20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)16. If you have NOT received any type of training or education at any time since leaving high school, is it mainly because you
PostSchNotWorked20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)3. If you have NOT worked at any time since leaving high school, is it mainly because you…
PostSchPaid20.8.2.0Varchar2(50)6. How much are you/were you usually paid for your job?
PostSchPaidTips20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)If less than minimum wage, did you receive tips at your job?
PostSchPayingJob20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)1. Did you have a paying job at the time you left high school?
PostSchPersInv20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)Person Interviewed / Contacted
PostSchPersInvOther20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)Person Interviewed / Contacted: Other: Explain
PostSchPrepForJob20.8.2.0Varchar2(50)13. After leaving high school, have you been, or are you currently, enrolled in an education or training program to prepare you for a job?
PostSchRecAccReg20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)15. Have you received the accommodation requested for your education or training program attended since leaving high school?
PostSchRecdHelp20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)9. Have you received the help requested for your employment since leaving high school?
PostSchReqFrProgOffice20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)14. To assist you in your education or training program after leaving high school, have you requested any accommodation from the program office that is supposed to help persons with disabilities?
PostSchSecondAttDt20.8.2.0DateSecond Attempt - Date
PostSchSecondReason20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)Second Attempt - Reason no contact
PostSchSemEdTrain20.8.2.0Varchar2(50)12. After leaving high school, how many semesters have you been continuously enrolled in postsecondary education or training?
PostSchServFrmCarTechTea20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)The former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Career Tech Teacher
PostSchServFrmSpecEdTea20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)The former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Special Ed Teacher
PostSchServiceFrmGenEdTea20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)The former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Gen Ed Teacher
PostSchSrvFrmJobCoach20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)The former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Job Coach
PostSchSrvFrmRehabCounsel20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)The former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Rehab Counselor
PostSchThirdAttDt20.8.2.0DateThird Attempt - Date
PostSchThirdAttReason20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)Third Attempt - Reason no contact
PostSchWorkedLongIn20.8.2.0Varchar2(100)4. After leaving high school, have you worked longest in . . .
Race_A20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - Asian
Race_B20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - Black or African American
Race_H20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - Hispanic or Latino
Race_I20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race_M20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - Two or More Races
Race_P20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Race_W20.8.2.0Varchar2(3)Race - White
StartDate20.8.2.0DateReport Start Date
StateID20.8.2.0Varchar2(30)State ID
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