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State Reporting Release Notes

Refer to 2019 State Reporting Releases for release dates.

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
PSSR-220143Audit Tracking on Student Special Treatment Center Tracking (STC)

Audit Tracking is implemented for the following fields on the Audit Tracking on Student Special Treatment Center Tracking (STC) page:

  • Specialized Treatment Center
  • STC Start Date
  • STC End Date
  • STC Withdrawal Reason
PSSR-223736Cohort Year and Reason Fields Are Not Marked as Required

In the Cohort Year page, the Cohort Year and Reason fields are marked as required.

PSSR-223737Confirm Form Resubmission

Fixed the Demographics and Federal Program pages to prevent the Confirm Form Resubmit message. Additionally, modified the Demographics and Federal Program to check if data has been changed when the user selects either the History button for Cohort or the Foster Care Add/Edit button. If data has changed, a warning message appears. This will prevent data loss when entering Cohort data or Foster Care data before submitting changes on the Demographics or Federal Program pages.

PSSR-223886Federal Program Page Foster Care Field ‘Start Date’ Should Be Marked as a Required Field

On the AL Federal Program page, the Foster Care field 'Start Date' is marked as a required field with the proper validations.

PSSR-219037Student Special Treatment Center Tracking (STC) – Data Collection

Added Student Special Treatment Center (STC) tracking fields for data collection.

PSSR-223925Transfer Destination Fields Not Saving – Previous Enrollment Page

The Transfer Destination fields save correctly on the Previous Enrollment page.

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