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S_AL_USR_StaffPosition_C ver

This table is a child table extension of the Users table.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID22.5.2.2Number(19,0)The primary key that indicates a unique ID
UsersDCID22.5.2.2Number(19,0)The primary key that relates the child table back to the Users table
End_Date22.5.2.2DateDate when Staff member ended the position
SchoolID22.5.2.2Varchar2(9)The primary key that relates the child table back to the Schools table 
Staff_Position22.5.2.2Varchar2(4000)The name of the staff position
Start_Date22.5.2.2DateDate when Staff member was assigned the position
Staff_Position_Cat22.2.2.0Varchar2(40)Staff Position Category
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