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S_AL_STU_Federal_X ver

This table is an extension of the Students table. 

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription

The primary Key that relates the extended table back to the Students table.

CCLC21_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student uses the 21st CCLC program.
The student's country of birth.
EL_Limited_Formal_SCH19.11.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the EL student has limited formal schooling.
EL_No_Formal_SCH19.11.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the EL student has no formal schooling.
EL_Pro_Entry_Date19.11.1.0DateThe date the student enrolled in the EL Program.
EL_Pro_Exit_Date19.11.1.0DateThe date the student exited the EL Program.
The student's EL Status.
EL_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student is an English learner.
EL_Wave_Title_III_Ser_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the family has waived the student's EL Title III Services.
Exchange_STU_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the the student is an exchange student.
Homeless_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student  is homeless.
IM_Limited_Formal_SCH_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the immigrant student has limited formal schooling.
IM_No_Formal_SCH_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the immigrant student has no formal schooling.
Immigrant_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student is an immigrant.
Migrant_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student is a migrant.
Targeted_Assistance_TF19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student is in a targeted assistance program.
Long_Term_Eng_Learner21.9.2.0BooleanLong Term English Learner
Targeted_Assistance22.7.1.0Number(11,0)Indicates the Student targeted assistance
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