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Employment Survey

The Student Employment Survey captures the employment history details of the student’s parent/legal guardian.

Navigation: Start, Select Student, State/Province - AL, Employment Survey.

Data Element




Employment Survey

Date of Move

The date on which the Survey details were provided.



Relocation History

Has the parent/legal guardian ever traveled in or out of Alabama to work or find work in any of the following: Fruit or Tomato Farms, Fish or Shrimp Farms, Nursery, Greenhouse, Sod Farms, Planting/Harvesting Crops, Cattle Farms, Milk Products, Hatchery, Worm Farm or Growing-Tending-Felling Trees?

Select Yes/No.



Does the parent/legal guardian or spouse currently work in agriculture, farming, fishing, or any of the areas in question #1?

Select Yes/No.



List any other work the parent/legal guardian has done that is not mentioned in question #1. -

Enter the work details.



Select from the following fields that the parent/legal guardian is currently working in or has worked in:

  • Fruit or Tomato Farms

  • Fish or Shrimp Farms

  • Nursery, Greenhouse, Sod Farms

  • Planting/Harvesting Crops

  • Cattle Farms, Milk Products

  • Hatchery: Feeding, Processing Chickens, Gathering Eggs

  • Working on a Worm Farms

  • Growing, Tending, Felling Trees

Select the options that indicate the current/previous working areas.










 Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Name of Person Completing the Survey

Enter the name of the person completing the survey for the student.



Place of Employment

Enter the parent/legal guardian’s place of employment.



Number of Children in Home

Enter the total number of children.



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