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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-234583Discipline By Action File - Referred to Law Enforcement Update

CO Discipline By Action File: Version 1.9

The Discipline by Action File is updated so that when it is run without the "Group Data by Students" option enabled, the LAW (Referred to Law Enforcement) numbers are reported accurately.

PSSR-235370SpEd Discipline Interchange Pulls Incorrect Incidents

CO Special Education Discipline Interchange: Version 2.2

The Special Education Discipline report no longer reports incidents that do not have one of the following actions:

  • Unilateral removal
  • In-school suspension
  • Out-of-School suspension
  • Expulsion
PSSR-235237Student Demographics Interchange - Pre-Registered Student Update

CO Student Demographic Interchange: Version 2.7

The report is updated so that students who are both active during the reporting year and preregistered for the upcoming year are extracted as expected.

PSSR-235239Student School Association Interchange Updates

CO Student School Association Interchange: Version 4.3
The following updates have been made to the Student School Enrollment Interchange:

  • For early graduates with multiple school enrollments in the same reporting period, the report now returns the correct Exit Date for each school enrollment.
  • When a graduating student is enrolled continuously for the full year, and there is no school exit code, the report now returns the Graduation Exit Code. If there are values for both the Graduation Exit Code and the School Exit Code, the report returns the Graduation Exit Code.
  • Previous no-show (Entry Date = the Exit Date) school enrollments with an Exit Code of 10 now report a Primary School value of 0.
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