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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-200005New - District Immunization Report

CO District Immunizations Report: Version 1.0

District Immunizations report is available under the new Immunizations category on the State Reports tab. The report output is formatted in a pipeline delimited text file. It contains vaccine dose information and can be submitted to CDE.

Per CDE guidelines, the report must be run for preschools by County (1 file for each county the district has a preschool in) and another file for the K-12 students.

Example: If a district has preschools in two different counties, the report would need to be run three times:

  • Once for the preschool in County A
  • Once for the preschool in County B
  • Once for the students in grades K-12
PSSR-243446New - Restraint & Seclusion Admin Data Collection

A new Restraint & Seclusion tab is now added to the State / Province CO page and can be used to track instances of restraint & seclusion.

This data collection will be utilized for CRDC reporting. It is not required for CDE reporting at this point.
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