Teacher Student Data Link – Interchange 20-21
The purpose of the Student Teacher Data Link - Interchange file is to capture the data that links the students enrolled in each instructed course, with the educator of records, and the contributing professionals as applicable during the reported school year. The data will also be used in combination with the Student Data. In the Teacher-Student Data Link Interchange file, the LEA should submit one record for each unique course, section, student enrolled, and staff for the reporting LEA in the selected school year.
This report is intended to be used when the current version of the report has a different specification or file layout than what is needed.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
The report selects records from the Students, Schools, and Courses tables based on the following criteria:
- The student must not be flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.
- The school must not be flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.
- The course or the section must not be flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.
- The start date of the enrollment record must fall on or before the Snapshot Date, as defined in the report parameter.
- The student must have been enrolled in the section for more than a certain number of calendar days, as defined in the report parameter.
- The student must be in grade level 6-12.
- For the Credits Granted element, the student must be flagged as a migrant and must be in grade level 8-12.
Additional Setup Requirements
- Grade Scale Mapping must be completed for all Grade Scales used to record letter grades.
- Store Code Mapping must be completed if any grades are stored using store codes that are different from the term abbreviation for the section. For example, if X1 should be used for a Semester 1 (S1) class, then the Store Code Mapping for Semester 1 should be set to X1.
- For sections that store multiple grades, the Average Final Grade function should be used to report a single grade for each section. For example, if a yearlong class stores four quarter grades, the four quarter grades should be averaged and stored with the code Y1.
Courses with Multiple State Course Codes
- Courses with multiple state course codes, identified by multiple, comma-separated state course code values in the Alternate Course Number field, will be represented in the output by a row per state course code.
- For example, a course with two students enrolled and two state course codes will report in the following manner:
- 1 row for the first student and the first state course code
- 1 row for the first student and the second state course code
- 1 row for the second student and the first state course code
- 1 row for the second student and the second state course code
- For example, a course with two students enrolled and two state course codes will report in the following manner:
Final Grade/Course Completion Logic
When determining Final Grade/Course Completion Status, student section and stored grade records are evaluated as follows:
- Code 1 (Completed - No Credit/No Grade/No Mark) reported when:
- Student completed a course and received a grade for a course without credit: The student has a Stored Grade with a Store Code that matches the Store Code in Years and Terms > Store Code For TSDL Final Grade Reporting and the Course Credit and Stored Grade potential credit = 0.
- Student did not drop a section and did not get a Final Grade:
- The student's Date Left for a section IS the final day of the class scheduling term and there is no Stored Grade associated with the Final Grade Store Code.
- The student's Date Left for a section is before the final day of the class scheduling term, there are no in-session days between the date the student left and the final day of the class scheduling term and, and the student has no Stored Grade with a Store Code that matches the Store Code in Years and Terms >Store Code For TSDL Final Grade Reporting.
- Codes 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, reported when:
Student completed or dropped a section, but has a final Stored Grade for a valid TSDL Store Code. The code reported is based on the grade earned and the Grade Scale associated with the section: 2 or 3 – Pass; 4 - Unsatisfactory, 5 – Fail; or 6 - Incomplete
- Code 6 Incomplete - No Credit/No Grade/No Mark, reported when:
Student completed a section but is missing the final Stored Grade: The student completes a section, but does not have a Stored Grade for a valid TSDL Store Code. This scenario applies when a student was enrolled in a section on the final day of the class scheduling term, and the current system date is greater than the scheduling term end date for the class (e.g. class ended 05/25/16 and current date = 05/30/16).
- Code 7 Withdrew - No Credit/No Grade/No Mark, reported when:
Student dropped a section and did not get a final grade. The student drops a section without subsequently re-enrolling in the same section of the course, and has no Stored Grade associated with a TSDL Store Code.
- Grade Scale Completion Status, reported when:
Student completed and earned a grade (pass or fail) for a course with credit: When a student has a Stored Grade with a TSDL Store Code that matches the Store Code that is designated as the final grade in Years and Terms > Store Code For TSDL Final Grade Reporting, the Final Grade/Course Completion Status value reported is the Grade Scale TSDL completion status associated with the Stored Grade.
Credits Granted and Final Grade Logic
The Credits Granted will output as NULL for non-Migrant students. For Migrant students, the logic for the Final Grade output depends on whether the course awards credit, and on the calculated Course Completion status for the student’s section. The same Final Grade from Stored Grades that is used to calculate Course Completion Status is also used to determine the Final Grade output. If a Migrant student was awarded credit, the earned credit value from the Stored Grades record for the Final Grade is output.
Course Credits in Course Catalog | Course Completion Status | Final Grade Output |
0 or NULL | Any | 0 (N/A) |
> 0 | 0 (Enrolled) | 0 (N/A) |
> 0 | 1 (Fail) | 4 (Unsatisfactory) |
> 0 | 2 (Pass) | 2 (Pass) |
> 0 | 6 (Incomplete) | 1 (No Credit/No Grade/No Mark) |
> 0 | 7 (Withdrew) | 1 (No Credit/No Grade/No Mark) |
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Schools to Include | Select Multiple Schools using Ctrl+Click to select multiple schools or Shift+Click to select a range of schools. The option to select multiple schools will only be available when at District Office. |
Students to Include* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or a selection, select the staff prior to running report. |
Enter minimum number of calendar days a student must be enrolled in a dropped section to be reported. | Enter the number of days. |
School Year | Choose the school year. This value is used in the file name as well as determining which year to use for the data extraction. |
Snapshot Date | Enter the snapshot date. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length |
1 | School District/BOCES Code | A unique code assigned to a district by CDE. | [Prefs]value [Prefs]name=districtnumber | 4 |
2 | School Code | A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | 4 |
3 | Local Course Identifier/ Code | The identifier designated by the local district for the course. | [Courses]Course_Number | 100 |
4 | Local Course Title | Name of the course. | [Courses]Course_name | 100 |
5 | Course Level | Level or rigor of the course. | [Courses.s_co_crs_x]courselevel | |
6 | Credit | The assigned course credit hours. | [Course]credit_hours | |
7 | Section Number | The identifier designated by the local district for the section for the course. | [Sections]Section_Number | 25 |
8 | Term | The time frame when instruction occurred. Required for all records. | [Terms]Abbreviation [Sections]TermID | 3 |
9 | State Course Code | The course alt course number. If blank, then course number. Note: Courses with multiple state course codes must have the different state course code values in the Alternate Course Number field and must be comma separated. Doing so will cause the report to return a row per student, per state course code. | [coursescorefields]ALT_COURSE_NUMBER [CC]Course_number | |
10 | Educator of Record EDID | An eight (8) digit numeric field containing the 8-digit value assigned by CDE to the Educator. | [S_CO_USR_X]TchrEDID | 8 |
11 | Educator of Record Staff's First Name | The name borne in common by members of a family. | [Users]Last_Name | 30 |
12 | Educator of Record Staff's Last Name | The name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. | [Users]First_Name | 30 |
13 | Contributing Professional EDID | The co-teacher's state ID. | [S_CO_USR_X]TchrEDID | 8 |
14 | Contributing Professional Staff's First Name | The co-teacher's name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. | [USERS]FIRST_NAME | 30 |
15 | Contributing Professional Staff's Last Name | The co-teacher's name borne in common by members of a family. | [USERS]LAST_NAME | 30 |
16 | SASID | A unique ten-digit number assigned to each student by CDE. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 |
17 | Student's Last Name | The student’s last name. This is the student's legal name. If the legal name field is not populated, the student's preferred name is reported. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | 30 |
18 | Student's First Name | The student’s legal first name. This is the student's legal name. If the legal name field is not populated, the student's preferred name is reported. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name | 30 |
29 | Student's Gender | The student’s gender. This is the student's legal gender. If the legal gender field is not populated, the student's preferred gender is reported. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender [Students]Gender | 2 |
20 | Student's Date of Birth | The student’s date of birth (DOB). | [Students]DOB | 8 |
21 | Student's Grade Level | The student’s grade level at the time the course was taken. | [Students]Grade_Level | 3 |
22 | Roster Start Date | The student’s first day of enrollment in the section, not necessarily the school. | [CC]Date_Enrolled | |
23 | Roster End Date | The day after the student’s last day of enrollment in the section, not necessarily the school. | [CC]Date_Left | |
24 | Credits Granted | The credits granted to the student in Carnegie units for completing a given course or section of a course (e.g., 1.0, .50, .25, .20). Required for Migrant students grades 8-12; output as NULL for non-Migrant students. For courses that were dropped or failed, Credits Granted extracts '0'. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | 3 |
25 | Course Completion Status | Calculated based on student section and stored grade records. See Final Grade/Course Completion Logic. For courses with no potential credit, the Final Grade is 0. | Derived from: [Courses]Credit_Hours [StoredGrades]Grade Also based on the calculated Completion Status value for the student’s section. | 1 |