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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates



Release Note

PSSR-216229Attendance Audit File Update for Remote Class Enrollments

Attendance Audit for School Discipline and Attendance: Version 1.9

The Attendance Audit for School Discipline and Attendance report now correctly calculates excused and unexcused attendance for remote school enrollments instead of erroneously reporting a mismatch for DaysPossible when remote enrollment attendance values differ from normal attendance values for a particular day.

PSSR-219764Attendance Audit File Updates

Attendance Audit for School Discipline and Attendance: Version 1.9

The Attendance Audit File report has been updated to report a row per school enrollment. Also the School Year Length column has been removed, and Entry_Date and Exit_Date have been added in the report output.

PSSR-208972Attendance Data File Report Deprecated

For the 19-20 school year, the Attendance Data File report has been retired by CDE. Because of this, the report has been removed from the State Reports tab.

PSSR-225686CDC DTaP Calculation UpdateThe DTaP calculation is updated and now calculates the student as compliant if the 5th dose is administered after the student's 6th birthday.
PSSR-209474Discipline By Action & SPED Discipline Interchange Action Code Severity Update

SPED Discipline Interchange: Version 2.1
Discipline By Action: Version 1.7

The Discipline By Action and SPED Discipline Interchange reports are updated to eliminate the use of the severity value (in the Action Codes) stored in the Incident Management tables. The logic now determines severity in the following manner:

Expulsion> Out-of-School Suspension> In-School Suspension> Classroom Removal> Other

PSSR-224631ELL/Migrant Student Update for Read Only Access

On the ELL/Migrant Student tab, the Language Instruction Program field now displays the saved value as expected for end users with view-only access.

PSSR-227753GFSA 2019-20 Report Updates

Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File: Version 1.4

A new column, named LASID, is added to the result file, and a new runtime parameter, named Group Data by Student, is added to the report run page.

  • If the Group Data by Student parameter is selected, the last column (LASID) pulls the Student_Number (length 10).
  • If the Group Data by Student parameter is not selected, the last column (LASID) is zero-filled (length 10).
PSSR-221085Student School Association Updates

Student - School Association Data: Version 4.2

Report updates:

  • Exit Date and Exit Code will now display when the Exit Date equals the Report End Date.
  • The Exit Date for withdrawn students is displayed as Exit Date - 1. This only affects the date displayed and no other rules. This does not apply to no-shows.

Selection Criteria updates:

  • To include students that overlap Start and End Parameters.
  • To exclude students where Exit Date equals runtime parameter Report Start Date, except for No Show's.
  • To include students with an Entry Date that matches the Run time parameter Report End Date.
  • To exclude no-shows reenrollment records (previous enrollments) with an exit code of 00 or 11.
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