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District Immunization


Use the District Immunization Report to report the vaccination status of students by grade for the selected school as of the Snapshot date. There is a separate file type for prekindergarten schools. The exemption data is also included in the report. Refer to the report setup.

The following vaccines are included in the report:

VaccinationState Code

Dtap (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis)



MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)


HepB (Hepatitis B)HepB



tTdap (etanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis)


Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)


PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)


Dt (diphtheria and tetanus)


Td (Tetanus and adult diphtheria)








Output File Name

  • PreK - [LEANumber]PreK[County]__MMDDYYYHHMMSS

  • K-12 - [LEANumber]K12[LEA Name]_MMDDYYYHHMMSS

At this time, follow this naming format until the state dictates a certain file naming convention.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must have a current or previous school enrollment at the appropriate school on the report date.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

To generate the Immunization Audit report, do the following:

For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Date

Enter the report date

Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meets selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students*

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students - Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Snapshot Date*Enter the end date for the reporting period. The student must be actively enrolled on the snapshot date to feature in the report ouá¹­put.

Report Mode*

Select the report mode. The default is Audit Mode.

valid modes:

  • Audit Mode
  • Submission Mode

File Type*

Select the applicable file type. Pre-kindergarten or between Kindergarten and grade 12:

  • K-12 File
  • PK File
Select CountySelect the county in which the school is located. This option appears only for pre-kindergarten schools.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element





The school district name if it is a K-12 file. If it is a Pre-K file then the name of the county in all caps.

More than one county is not accepted in each Pre-k file.





School Code

The four- digit CDE code assigned to your district/BOCES. CDHS code for preschools.

If a K-12 file:

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number if > 0

Else, [Schools]School_Number

If a PK file: [S_CO_SCH_X]CDHSCode


School Name

Name of the school.[Schools]Name


School Address

Street address of the school.[Schools]Address


School City ID

The id of the city where the school is located.



School County ID

The id of the county where the school is located.



School Zipcode

The five-digit zip code where the school is located.[Schools]SchoolZip


Date Created

The date for which the data was pulled, indicating the data is complete as of this date.NA


Student ID

The row number on the output file, starting with number one. This number displays for all records even if there is no immunization data for a student.



Student Number

The student's Locally Assigned Student ID (LASID). Districts/BOCES may zero fill if they choose not to use a LASID.[Students]Student_Number


Student Name

The student's last name followed by the first name. This is the student's legal name. If the legal name field is not populated, the student's preferred name is reported.







1-12 or k (kindergarten) or pk (preschool/childcare).


If Grade_level = 0 then, k

If Grade_Level > 0, then pk


Dtap 1

The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB



Dtap 2

The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB



Dtap 3

The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


16Dtap 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


17Dtap 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


18Dtap 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


19Dtap 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


20Dtap 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


21Dtap 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


22Dtap 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of DTAP.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


23Dtap ExemptThe description provided for Dtap exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
24Dtap In Process

Indicates whether a Dtap dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

25Polio 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


26Polio 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


27Polio 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


28Polio 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


29Polio 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


30Polio 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


31Polio 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


32Polio 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


33Polio 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


34Polio 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Polio.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The description provided for Dtap exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode


Indicates whether a Polio dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)



The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB




The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


46MMR10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of MMR.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


47MMR ExemptionThe description provided for MMR exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
48MMR In Process

Indicates whether can indicate if an MMR dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

49HepB 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


50HepB 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


51HepB 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


52HepB 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


53HepB 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


54HepB 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


55HepB 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


56HepB 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


57HepB 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


58HepB 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of HepB.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


59HepB ExemptionThe description provided for HepB exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
60HepB In Process

Indicates whether a HepB dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

61Varicella 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


62Varicella 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


63Varicella 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


64Varicella 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


65Varicella 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


66Varicella 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


67Varicella 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


68Varicella 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


69Varicella 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


70Varicella 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Varicella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


71Varicella ExemptionThe description provided for Varicella exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
72Varicella In Process

Indicates whether a Varicella dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

73Varicella History

If the child has a flag indicating they have a history of varicella disease.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

74Tdap 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


75Tdap 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


76Tdap 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


77Tdap 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


78Tdap 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


79Tdap 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


80Tdap 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


81Tdap 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


82Tdap 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


83Tdap 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Tdap.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


84Tdap ExemptionThe description provided for Tdap exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
85Tdap In Process

Indicates whether a Tdap dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

86Hib 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


87Hib 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


88Hib 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


89Hib 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


90Hib 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


91Hib 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


92Hib 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


93Hib 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


94Hib 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


95Hib 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Hib.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


96Hib ExemptionThe description provided for Hib exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
97Hib In Process

Indicates whether a Hib dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

98PCV 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


99PCV 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


100PCV 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


101PCV 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


102PCV 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


103PCV 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


104PCV 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


105PCV 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


106PCV 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


107PCV 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of PCV.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


108PCV ExemptionThe description provided for PCV exemption. For example, "None", "Personal", "Religious", "Medical", or "Immune Titer".[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode
109PCV In Process

Indicates whether a PCV dose in a series is in the process of being administered or recorded by the school.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)


Indicates whether this student is considered to be "compliant" with school entry requirements. If this field is not present, then empty or null value is displayed.

Valid values:

  • 1 (Yes)
  • 0 (No)

111Dt 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


112Dt 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


113Dt 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


114Dt 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


115Dt 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


116Dt 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


117Dt 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


118Dt 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


119Dt 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


120Dt 10 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Dt.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


121Td 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


122Td 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


123Td 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


124Td 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


125Td 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


126Td 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


127Td 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


128Td 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


129Td 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


130Td 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Td.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


131Measles 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


132Measles 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


133Measles 3 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


134Measles 4 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


135Measles 5 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


136Measles 6 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


137Measles 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


138Measles 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


139Measles 9 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


140Measles 10 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Measles.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


141Mumps 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


142Mumps 2The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


143Mumps 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


144Mumps 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


145Mumps 5 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


146Mumps 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


147Mumps 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


148Mumps 8The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


149Mumps 9 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


150Mumps 10The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Mumps.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


151Rubella 1The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the first dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


152Rubella 2 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the second dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


153Rubella 3The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the third dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


154Rubella 4The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fourth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


155Rubella 5The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the fifth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


156Rubella 6The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the sixth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


157Rubella 7The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the seventh dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


158Rubella 8 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the eighth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


159Rubella 9The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the ninth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


160Rubella 10 The number of days from the student's date of birth and the date of dose administration for the tenth dose of Rubella.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB


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