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Editing an Incident

To view incidents for a specific student, navigate to Start Page, Student Selection, Incidents. Users can also view all incidents at the district or school level

  1. Navigate to Start Page, People, All Incidents to view all incidents at the district or school level.

  2. From the list of incidents displayed, click the incident to be edited.

The user can now edit the incident as required.

The Report Investigation Time field has been moved from Action Attributes to the Incident level. Users can update this field only when editing an Incident. The field details are as follows:




Report Investigation Time

It will used for the reporting in the Prevent Harassment or Discrimination in Schools report.

Valid values:

  • Blank (default)

  • 01 - Within 60 school days

  • 02 - Within 61 – 90 school days

  • 03 - Exceeded 90 school days


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