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Discipline by Action – School Discipline and Attendance (2023-24)


The Discipline by Action report summarizes state reportable district discipline incidents grouped by action.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Incident Management Record Selection

The report selects records from Incident Management based on the following criteria:

  • The student (Offender) is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The school is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The Incident Date falls between the user-selected start and end dates.

  • The Incident is associated with a school.

  • The Incident Behavior, Action, and Incident codes are State Reportable^.

  • The Incident has at least one Offender.

  • The Behavior is assigned to the Offender(s).

  • The Action is associated with the Behavior.

Record Selection Logic

Incidents are extracted when:

  • The Behavior is one of the 15 specified, state-reportable behavior codes (in the Student Incidents behavior code option set) but the action is not state-reportable.

  • The Incident resulted in a state-reportable classroom removal, suspension, expulsion or referral to law enforcement (in the Student Incidents action code option set), but the behavior is not state-reportable.

  • The Incident Type is State Reportable.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

Select Multiple Schools using Ctrl+Click to select multiple schools or Shift+Click to select a range of schools or All Schools. School selection will only be available when at District Office.

Select Start Date*

Enter the starting date of the date range for the report.

Select End Date*

Enter the ending date of the date range for the report.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Length


School District/


The district number.





School Code

The reporting school number.







The behavior or allegation code.

Note: To report allegation data, districts must be on PowerSchool 12.0.1 or higher and the Allegation checkbox must be selected for any incidents of Bullying/Harassment that were allegations.

Valid Values:

  • 01-Drug Violation (not marijuana)

  • 02-Alcohol Violation

  • 03-Tobacco Violation

  • 04-1st, 2nd or 3rd Degree or Vehicular Assault

  • 05-Dangerous Weapons

  • 06-Robbery

  • 07-Other Felony

  • 08-Disobedience/Defiant or Repeated Interference

  • 09-Detrimental Behavior

  • 10-Destruction of School Property

  • 11-Bullying

  • 12-Other Violation of Code of Conduct

  • 13-3rd Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct

  • 14-Marijuana Violation

  • 15-Sexual Violence/Battery (other than Rape)

  • 16-Rape or attempted Rape

  • 17 - Threat of Physical Attack

  • 18 - Allegations of harassment on the basis of sex

  • 19 - Allegations of harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin

  • 20 - Allegations of harassment on the basis of disability

  • 21 - Allegations of harassment on the basis of sexual orientation

  • 22 - Allegations of harassment on the basis of religion

The corresponding action code is also pulled in the report wherever applicable. For example, if the Behavior Code is 11 (Bullying) and the action code is Expulsion, then the report displays 11 for this field and 1 under the Exp column.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from Students and Incident Management tables. The [Incident_CO_BehaviorAction]Behavior_Code is obtained from the SQL Table below:

[Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]Lu_Sub_Code_ID (subcodes: 100037-100048).




Weapon Description

Indicates whether a weapon was used during the incident. 

Valid Values:

  • 0-No Weapon

  • 1-With Weapon

  • 2-With Firearm or Explosive Device




Total Number of Incidents/Allegations

The total number of incidents (not students) or allegations reported for the specified behavior.

For reported behaviors, this is the sum of Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal, In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, Expulsion, and Other Action Taken. Only include Referred to Law Enforcement if no other action is being reported for that behavior.

For reported allegations, this is the total number of allegations.

Note: To report allegation data, customers must be using the Allegations flag that is part of PowerSchool 12.0.1

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:





Classroom Removal Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) or allegations in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended from the classroom or removed by the teacher.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:





In-School Suspension Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended in school.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:




Out-of-School Suspension Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended out of school.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:




Expulsion Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) in which the most severe action was the student(s) being expelled.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:




Law Enforcement Referral Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) in which the student(s) were referred to law enforcement.

If the incident was referred to law enforcement, indicate the most serious action taken (e.g., suspension, expulsion) in addition to the referral to law enforcement. Law enforcement referrals will not be counted in the total incident count unless law enforcement referral is the only column checked.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:




Other Action Taken Incidents

The total number of incidents (not students) in which the most severe action taken to the student(s) is not included as a data field type. Less serious disciplinary actions such as warnings, Saturday school, sent to the office, detention for three tardies, etc. are not included in the "Other" column.

Aggregate function derived from the custom view:



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