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CRDC District Setup (2020 - 2021)

The following data elements are required for CRDC district setup and reporting.

Data Element

Additional Information



District Setup > Courses: Courses > CRDC Course Setup

LEA Questions
DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a distance education course?Choose Yes or No to indicate whether this is a distance education course.[S_CRS_CRDC_X]DistanceLearning_YN
School Questions

Classes in Mathematics and Science Courses

Choose Yes or No for the following questions:

  • Does this qualify as a Computer Science course? (COUR-15, COUR-16, COUR-17)


District Info

District Setup > District Information: District Info > District CRDC Setup


Enter the LEA ID provided to your district's CRDC Principal Contact Person (PCP). In most cases, it is the 7-digit unique identification number assigned to each LEA by ED’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


Schools/School Info

District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Selection] > CRDC School Information 

CRDC School Id


Enter the CRDC School ID.

Note: Required for all schools submitting CRDC data. Enter the last 5 digits of the 12-digit CRDC School ID provided in your CRDC school list, which can be accessed from the CRDC web site. If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, enter the same ID for each school that is reported together.


If multiple schools have the same CRDC SCH ID, is this the primary?

Select the checkbox to indicate this school is the primary of multiple schools.

Note: If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, indicate one school as the primary. Results from all the schools with the same SCH ID will be aggregated under the primary school.


School Questions

INET-1. Internet Access and Devices

Is this school connected to the internet through a fiber-optic connection?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school is connected to the internet through a fiber-optic connection.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetFiber_YN

Does this school have Wi-Fi access in every classroom?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school has Wi-Fi access in every classroom.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetWiFi_YN

Does this school allow students to take home school-issued devices that can be used to access the internet for student learning?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school allows students to take school-issued devices off campus to access the internet for student learning.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetSchDev_YN

Does this school allow students to bring to school student-owned devices that can be used to access the internet for classroom or student learning?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school allows students to bring in personal devices to access the internet for classroom or student learning.[S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetStuDev_YN

INET-2. Wi-Fi Enabled Devices

Enter the number of Wi-Fi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use. 

Enter the number of Wi-Fi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use. [S_SCH_CRDC_X]WiFiEnabledDevices

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