Incident Management Query
This report queries incidents based on incident management and student data to create a file export. This query can be run at the district or school level.
Important: By default, the export includes all incidents for the currently selected school or district and the currently selected school year. Additional parameters can be defined to narrow selection.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Field Name | Choose a field by which to filter results. |
Value | Enter a specific value for the report to search for within the chosen field. |
Comparison | Choose a comparison between fields to filter results based on relation to other fields. |
Incident School(s) | This parameter is only available when the report is run from the district office. Select one of the following:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
The table includes all incidents which meet the user-specified search parameters. To export the results, click Export these Incidents.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length |
1 | Incident School ID | The school where the incident took place. | [Incident]School_Number | 10 |
2 | Incident Date | The date the incident occurred. | [Incident]Incident_TS | 6 |
3 | Incident ID | The ID number of the incident. | [Incident]Incident_ID | 10 |
4 | Incident Title | The title of the incident. | [Incident]Incident_Title | 80 |
5 | Participant Role | The participant role code. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = "personcode" | 50 |
6 | Role SubCode | The participant role subcode. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]LU_Sub_Code_ID | 10 |
7 | Participant Type | The type of participant. | ||
8 | Participant Number | The participant's ID number. | [Incident_Person_Role]StudentID [Incident_Person_Role]TeacherID [Incident_Person_Role]Incident_Other_Person_ID | 10 |
9 | Participant School ID | The school with which the participant is associated. | [Incident_Personal_Detail]Incident_Personal_Detail_ID | 10 |
10 | Participant Last Name | The last name of the participant. | [Students]LastFirst [Users]LastFirst [Students]Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name | 10 |
11 | Participant First Name | The first name of the participant. | [Students]LastFirst [Users]LastFirst [Students]First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name | 10 |
12 | Participant Middle Name | The middle name of the participant. | [Students]LastFirst [Users]LastFirst [Students]Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name | 10 |
13 | Entry Date | The of the participant. | [Students]EntryDate | 8 |
14 | Exit Date | The of the participant. | [Students]ExitDate | 8 |
15 | Grade Level | The grade level of the participant. | [Students]Grade_Level | 3 |
16 | Gender | The gender of the participant. | [Students]Gender [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | 2 |
17 | Federal Ethnicity | The ethnicity of the participant. | [Students]Fedethnicity | 1 |
18 | Race | The race of the participant. | [StudentRace]Racecd [Students]Fedracedecline | 1 |
19 | Behavior Code | The behavior code. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = "behaviorcode" | 50 |
20 | Behavior SubCode | The behavior subcode. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]LU_Sub_Code_ID | 10 |
21 | Action Code | The disciplinary action associated with this incident. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = "actioncode" | 50 |
22 | Action SubCode | The disciplinary action subcode associated with this incident. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]LU_Sub_Code_ID | 10 |
23 | Action Start Date | The date the disciplinary action began. | [Incident_Action]Action_Plan_Begin_DT | N/A |
24 | Action End Date | The date the disciplinary action ended. | [Incident_Action]Action_Plan_End_DT [Incident_Action]Duration_Actual | N/A |
25 | Object Code | The object code. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = "objectcode" | 50 |
26 | Object SubCode | The object subcode. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]LU_Sub_Code_ID | 10 |