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How to Add Bullying Allegations and Substantiated Occurrences

Add Bullying Allegations and Substantiated Occurrences

Start > Special Functions > Incident Management

Ensure to choose the correct option at step 6, to record a Bullying Allegation or a Substantiated Occurrence. An allegation is a claim or assertion of wrongdoing, typically made without proof. Allegations can be reported by anyone, however, the alleged victims must be students. A Substantiated Occurrence is an incident with verifiable supporting evidence. See the Appendix for code values.

  1. Click the arrow next to Create Incident and choose Create Detailed Incident.
  2. On the Incident Detail page, click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements. The Add Behavior pop-up window opens.
  3. Choose the Student Incidents^ Behavior Code and then from the subsequent menu choose Bullying/Harassment.
  4. Choose the applicable subcode (these options are linked to the state's codes).
  5. Select the Primary Behavior checkbox for the most severe offense (only if there is more than one behavior in the incident).

    If the incident has multiple behaviors, the most egregious behavior should be checked as the Primary Behavior.

  6. To add Bullying Allegations (CDE codes 18-22), select the Allegation checkbox.
    To add Substantiated Occurrences (CDE code 09), leave the Allegation checkbox unchecked.
  7. Click Add Behavior. The added behavior (Bullying Allegation or Substantiated Occurrence) appears under the Incident Elements.
  8. Click and drag the behavior to the applicable offender. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements. The primary behavior is reported for each incident.

    If an offender has more than one behavior, and you need to report a specific behavior, it is recommended that you define only that behavior rather than adding multiple behaviors to one incident.

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