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Incident Management State-Specific Codes

Code Type


State Detail Report Codes

Action Codes

Student Actions^

Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal^

In School Suspension^

Out of School Suspension^


Unilateral Removal^


School Related Arrest^

Referred to Law Enforcement^

GFSA Actions^

Expelled Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Yr^

Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year^

Expelled less One Year Referred Alt. School Prog^

Expelled One Yr Who Referred to Alt. School Prog^

Student Not Disciplined^

Student Disciplined Other^

Student Removed Other^

Retired - Brought or Possessed at School^

Retired - Student Expulsions^

Retired – Expelled Less than 1 Year – NOT IDEA

Action Attributes

Type of Removal^

Removal by School Personnel^

Removal Based on Hearing Officer^

Retired – Type of Removal^

Removal Reason^

Removed by School Personnel – Drugs^

Removed by School Personnel – Injury^

Removed by School Personnel – Weapons^

Retired – Removal Reason^

Expulsion With/Without Services

Expulsion – Received Educational Services^

Expulsion – Did not Receive Educational Services^

Retired – Type of Suspension/Expulsion^

Retired – In School Suspension^

Retired – Out of School Suspension^

Behavior Codes

Student Incidents^

Drug Violation (not marijuana)^

Alcohol Violation^

Tobacco Violation^

1st, 2nd Degree or Vehicular Assault^

Dangerous Weapon^


Other Felony^

Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference^

Detrimental Behavior^

Destruction of School Property^

Other Violations of Code of Conduct^

3rd Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct^

Marijuana Violation^

Sexual Violence/Battery (other than Rape)^

Rape or Attempted Rape

Retired - Habitually Disruptive Student^


GFSA Incidents^

GFSA Handgun^

GFSA Rifle/Shotgun^

GFSA Other Firearms^

GFSA Multiple Firearms^

Object Codes

Note: The Object Codes listed below only pertain to Student Incident^ Behavior Codes.

Weapons^With Weapon^

With Firearm or Explosive Device^
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