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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-225249CO Student Demographic Interchange: Lunch Status History Update

CO Student Demographic Interchange: Version 2.6
The report is updated to pull the student Free/Reduced Lunch Price Eligible element from the Lunch Status history records. If the Point in Time report parameter is not set, the Lunch Changes record with the latest start date is used; otherwise, the record with a start date on or before the Point in Time date is used.

PSSR-230352ELL-Migrant-Immigrant Tab - Erroneous Error Messages

The ELL-Migrant-Immigrant tab is updated to no longer display erroneous alert (warning) messages when the user has view-only access.

PSSR-208970Graduation Guidelines 2019-2020 Data Collection Changes and Report Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-208971, PSSR-228148
The following updates have been made for graduation guidelines:

  • Industry Certification guidelines can now be collected via Tests/Test Scores (for when multiple courses are required to obtain a certification)
  • New data collection fields are available on the Test Score and Stored Grade pages:
    • IEP Accommodation
    • EL Accommodation
    • GT Accommodation
    • Origin of Record Code
  • The CO Graduation Guidelines Report has also been updated to extract the new data collection elements noted above (new version is 1.2).
PSSR-225246New - Lunch Status History Tracking

Lunch Status history tracking is now available. This new functionality creates a history record every time the value in the Lunch Status field or Colorado State Override field changes. History records have a start and end date to indicate the time frame in which the changed occurred. Records can be modified as required.

When this update is applied, a reposchema update runs that creates Lunch Status history records for each previous school enrollment that has a Lunch Status value tied to that ReEnrollment record.

Note: The latest Lunch Status history record in the table on the Lunch page always reflects the student's current Lunch Status.

PSSR-184612SDA - Attendance Audit Updates - Attendance Percentage

CO Attendance Audit File: Version 2.0
The Attendance Audit for School Discipline and Attendance is updated to include a new Attendance Percentage column. This column will pull the percentage of attendance based on the number of absences and days enrolled.

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