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Discipline Action File


This new Student Discipline Snapshot will capture the data of students disciplined that LEAs would create and approve. This process replaces the following existing School Discipline data files:

  • Discipline by Action

  • Discipline by Student Demographic

  • Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Report


The Discipline Action File summarizes state-reportable district discipline incidents. It captures details on students disciplined, the type of behavior, and the resulting disciplinary action taken for each disciplinary incident. This data can also be utilized to pre-populate data in the Civil Rights Data Collection file.

Each record represents a single disciplinary incident resulting in an action taken during the reporting school year. For students reported in special education, the IEP must be active at the time of the discipline start date. Students with multiple actions throughout the school year should have multiple records on the file.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Incident Management Record Selection

The report selects records from Incident Management based on the following criteria:

  • The student (Offender) is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The school is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The Incident Date falls between the user-selected start and end dates.

  • The Incident is associated with a school.

  • The Incident Behavior or Action, and Incident codes are State Reportable^.

  • The Incident has at least one Offender.

  • The Behavior is assigned to the Offender(s).

  • The Action is associated with the Behavior.

Record Selection Logic

Incidents are extracted when:

  • The Behavior is one of the 15 specified, state-reportable behavior codes (in the Student Incidents behavior code option set) but the action is not state-reportable.

  • The Incident resulted in a state-reportable classroom removal, suspension, expulsion or referral to law enforcement (in the Student Incidents action code option set), but the behavior is not state-reportable.

  • The Incident Type is State Reportable.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple schools or Shift+Click to select a range of schools or All Schools. School selection will only be available when at District Office.

Select Start Date*

Enter the starting date of the date range for the report.

Select End Date*

Enter the ending date of the date range for the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Length


Admin Unit/BOCES Code

A valid AU Code.

  • The field value is fetched from [New UI] Start Page, District Management, District Setup, District Info, Admin Unit/SOP code (from the Colorado State Specific Information)

  • Field in the report must be zero-filled to 5 digits if value is not available in Admin Unit/SOP code.

If zero-filled, will automatically populate in the snapshot based on the district code.



District Code

The district number. Must be a valid district code within the reporting Administrative Unit.

[Prefs]Value where



School Code

The reporting school number.

If not available, then



Special Education Program Code

A unique code assigned to an AU run Special Education Program by CDE.

Zero filled if not applicable.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [S_CO_STU_X]SPED_ProgramCode



Incident Identifier

A locally assigned ten-digit number for each incident.

An Incident Identifier may be duplicated in cases where a student incurs more than one discipline action associated with the incident or more than one student is involved in the incident.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Incident_Detail]Incident_Id



Date of Incident 

Date of the incident.


A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Incident]Incident_TS



Behavior Type

The behavior type associated with the incident.

Valid values:
01 - Drug Violation (Not Marijuana)^
02 - Alcohol Violation^
03 - Tobacco Violation^
04 - 1st, 2nd Degree or Vehicular Assault^
05 - Dangerous Weapon^
06 - Robbery^
07 - Other Felony^
08 - Disobedient/Defiant or Repeated Interference^
09 - Detrimental Behavior^, Bullying/Harassment^
10 - Destruction of School Property^
11 - Bullying
12 - Other Violations of Code of Conduct^
13 - 3rd Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct^
14 - Marijuana Violation^
15 - Sexual Violence/Battery (other than Rape)^
16 - Rape or Attempted Rape^
17 - Threat of Physical Attack^

For behavior code 11 (Bullying), the following behavior sub codes exist.

  • Based on Sex^

  • Based on Race, Color, Nat., Origin^

  • Based on Disability^

  • Based on Sexual Orientation^

  • Based on Religion^

For each of these, behavior type will be 11 (Bullying).

Note: The two-digit value associated with the behavior type is extracted in the report output. 

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from

The corresponding valid value is assigned based on programmed logic.



Weapon Type

The weapon associated with the incident.

Valid values:
01 - With Weapon^ 
00 - Otherwise

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Incident_Lu_Code]Lu_Code_id.

The corresponding valid value is assigned based on programmed logic.



Student State ID (SASID)

A unique ten-digit number assigned to each student by CDE.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Students]State_StudentNumber



Student First Name

First name of the student.

Note: The legal first name is extracted if available, else the first name is extracted from the Students table.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Students]First_Name



Student Last Name

Last name of the student.

Note: The legal last name is extracted if available, else the last name is extracted from the Students table.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Students]Last_Name



Student Gender

Indicates the gender for action(s) reported.

Valid values:
01 - Female (F)
02 - Male (M)
03 - Non-binary (X)

If gender is blank or has a value other than the above values, the report will have 00 as the value for gender.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [Students]Gender



Student Date of Birth

Date of birth of the student.


A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains the value from [Students]DOB



Special Education Action Flag

Indicates the student’s Special Education status at the time of the incident.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains the value from Student extension table.



Discipline Action Identifier

Identifies the action associated with the incident.

If an Action spans two school years, the same Action Identifier will be used to report the record in both school years.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains the action code from [Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code



Discipline Action Type

Indicates the action taken on the student due to the incident.

Must be zero-filled if the student was unilaterally removed.

Valid Values:
00 - Unilateral Removal^
10 - Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal^
11 - In School Suspension^
12 - Out of School Suspension^
13 - Expulsion^
14 - Others

In addition to Expulsion^, Discipline Action Type will have the value 13 for the following sub categories:

  • Expelled Less than the Mandatory One Calendar Yr^,

  • Expelled for the Mandatory One Calendar Year^,

  • Expelled less One Year Referred Alt. School Prog^,

  • Expelled One Yr Who Referred to Alt. School Prog^

Discipline Action Type will have the value 00, for the following conditions:

  • If the behavior type is harassment or bullying

  • If action has Referral to Law Enforcement, Handcuffed, Seclusion, or Restraint (physical or mechanical), irrespective of the action taken. 

  • If a Special Education student was unilaterally removed and the special education removal type is 01 - Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel OR 02 - Unilaterally Removed Based on a Hearing Officer.

  • If reporting CRDC behaviors.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action code from [Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code.

The corresponding valid value is assigned based on programmed logic.



Referral to Law Enforcement

Indicates if the student was referred to law enforcement due to the incident.

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action code from [Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code.

The value is set based on the whether the action code corresponds to ‘Referred to Law Enforcement^’ action code sub-category or not.



Handcuffed Status

Indicates if the student was handcuffed.

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains the value from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
when [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Incident_Category = 'Handcuffed^’



School-Related Arrest Status

Indicates if the student was arrested for any activity conducted on school grounds, during off-campus school activities, or due to a referral by any school official.

Valid values:
1- Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action code from [Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code.

The value is set based on the whether the action code corresponds to ‘School Related Arrest^’ action code sub-category or not.



Physically Restrained

Indicates if the student was physically restrained. 

Physically restrained refers the use of bodily, physical force to involuntarily limit an individual's freedom of movement; except that "physical restraint" does not include the holding of a child by one adult for the purposes of calming or comforting the child.

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains sub category from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
where [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Incident_Category = 'Subjected to Physical Restraint^’



Mechanically Restrained

Indicates if the student was mechanically restrained by the use of any device or equipment to restrict a student’s freedom of movement. (Optional for CRDC reporting purpose only)

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains sub category from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
where [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Incident_Category = 'Subjected to Mechanical Restraint^’



Placed in Seclusion

Indicates if the student was placed in seclusion. 

Seclusion is the placement of an individual alone in a room or area from which egress is involuntarily prevented, except during normal sleeping hours.

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains sub category from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
where [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Incident_Category = 'Seclusion^’



Received Education Services During Expulsion

Indicates if the student received education services during expulsion.

Only required on expulsion records.

Valid values:
0 - No
1 - Yes

This reporting field will have the value 1 (Yes) for the following action codes:
03 - Removal by School Personnel - Weapons^,
03 - Expulsion - Received Educational Services^,
04 - Expulsion - Did not Receive Educational Services^,
330 - Expulsion^,
510 - Retired - Student Expulsions^

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action code from [Incident_Lu_Sub_Code]State_Detail_Report_Code.

The corresponding value is assigned based on programmed logic.



Transferred to Alternative School (for Disciplinary Reasons)

Indicates if the student was transferred to alternative school for disciplinary reasons. (Optional for CRDC reporting purpose only)

Valid values:
1 - Yes
0 - No

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains sub category from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
where [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Incident_Category = 'Transferred to Alt School (for disc reasons)^’



Discipline Action Length

The number of school days missed because of the discipline.

An Action that spans two school years should be reported in both collection years and reflect the number of school days missed within each year.

Note: This information is pulled for both SPED and non-SPED students.

This field can have values ranging from 0005 for half day to 2600 for 260 days. 

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action duration from [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Actual



Discipline Start Date

Start date of the discipline or removal.


For special education students, the Date of Entry to Special Education reported in the Participation File must precede the Discipline Start Date.

An Action that spans two school years should contain a start date of the days missed from school within that reporting year.

Required for Special Education students only.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains action start date from [PSWR_ParticipantBehavorAction]Action_Plan_Begin_Dt

Will not have a zero-filled value only for SPED students i.e.
[s_co_stu_x]specialeducation = 1 for current enrollment
OR [s_co_ren_x]specialeducation = 1 for previous enrollments

UI Navigation: Select student > Compliance > Special Ed > Special Education (IEP) is checked



Special Education Removal Type

Indicates if student was unilaterally removed by school personnel or hearing officer.

Valid Action Codes:

Student Actions^

  • Unilateral Removal^ (State Detail Report Code=370)

Valid Action Attributes:

Type of Removal^

01 - Removal by School Personnel^

02 - Removal based on Hearing Officer^

Required for Special Education Students only.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
= ‘Type of Removal^’

Will not have zero-filled value only for SPED students i.e.
[s_co_stu_x]specialeducation = 1 for current enrollment
OR [s_co_ren_x]specialeducation = 1 for previous enrollments

UI Navigation: Select student > Compliance > Special Ed > Special Education (IEP) is checked



Special Education Removal Reason

Reason for unilateral removal of student by school personnel.

Valid Action Codes:

Student Actions^

  • Unilateral Removal^ (State Detail Report Code=370)

Valid Action Attributes:

Removal Reason^

01 - Removal by School Personnel - Drugs^

02 - Removal by School Personnel - Injury^

03 - Removal by School Personnel - Weapons^

Required for Special Education Students only.

A custom State Reporting SQL View obtains data from [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Sub_Category
= ‘Removal Reason^’

Will not have a zero-filled value only for SPED students i.e.
[s_co_stu_x]specialeducation = 1 for current enrollment
OR [s_co_ren_x]specialeducation = 1 for previous enrollments

UI Navigation: Select student > Compliance > Special Ed > Special Education (IEP) is checked


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