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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-208959Discipline by Action 2019-20 Report Changes

CO Discipline By Action Report: Version 1.8
A new column named LASID is added to the result file and a new run-time parameter named Group Data by Student is added to the report run page.

  • If the Group Data by Student parameter is selected, the last column (LASID) pulls the Student_Number (length 10). Additionally, in the output file, each row now represents an incident, with a particular behavior code, for a given student. This run-time option can be used to make the report results easier to validate.
  • If the Group Data by Student parameter is NOT checked, the last column (LASID) is zero filled (length 10) and the report will return data in an aggregated fashion as it has in years past.
PSSR-227754Discipline by Student Demographics 2019-20 Report Updates

Discipline By Demographic version 1.9
Description: A new column named LASID column is added to the result file and a new runtime parameter named 'Group Data by Student' is added to the report run page.
If the Group Data by Student parameter is selected, the last column (LASID) pulls the Student_Number (length 10).
If the Group Data by Student parameter is not selected, the last column (LASID) will be zero (length 10).

PSSR-228142Graduation Guidelines Report - Guideline Type Update

CO Graduation Guideline Report: Version 1.1
The Graduation Guideline report is updated to extract the Guideline Type for the Concurrent Enrollment and Industry Certification Graduation Guidelines in a different way. Now a 0 or 1 is reported based on the first two digits of the Alternate Course Number:

  • If the first two digits are 01, report a 0 (for English)
  • If the first two digits are a 02, report a 1 (for Math)

Additionally, the year of the PowerSchool term selected at the top of page is no longer used in this report. Terms are now based on the Begin Date and End Date report parameters.

PSSR-228147UI and Page Updates

The UI and page updates are as follows:

Start Page > District Setup > Grade Scales > [select grade scale] > Graduation Guideline Grade Category

  • On the Edit Grade Scale page, a missing space has been added to the Graduation Guideline Grade Category Option 1 - Passing grade per district/Certificate earned.
  • Option 2 - PWR Endorsed Requirements/Certificate is invalid and has been removed.

Start Page [select student] > State/Province CO > Grad Info

  • To avoid confusion, the Anticipated Graduation Exit Code field has been removed, as this field is the same as the Graduation Exit Code field (which also appears on this page and is used by the SSA report).
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