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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


CO Discipline action file to extract legal first and last names if available(report version 1.3)

CO Discipline action file to extract legal first and last names if available. If these are empty, the report needs to extract the first and last names from the student table.


CO – SpecialEducation Field removing validation

A new alert message triggers when the existing functionality automatically checks and disables the Special Education (IEP) field to prevent page submission when it lacks any saved value in the database.


 Discipline Action Identifier Needs To Be Unique

The Discipline Action File Report has been updated with the following requirements in (report version 1.3):

  • Discipline Action Identifier field in the Discipline Action File now refers to the incident_action_id field from the incident_action table

  • Fields Mechanically Restrained and Transferred to Alternative School are zero-filled when null/empty.

  • SPED Removal Type and SPED Removal Reason are zero-filled to 2 digits in case of non-sped students.


Language Background Data Entry Smart Search Issue Resolved

Language Background Data Entry Smart Search drop list now will display the drop list options as expected.


Update READ Report - Field removal

The Kindergarten field has been removed from the READ Data Collection report.


Update READ Test Code List

The READ Test drop-down has been updated with the new Spring 23-24 codes.

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