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Student - School Association Data


The purpose of the Student School Association (SSA) file is to capture the school(s) in which a student attends in your district throughout the currently selected school year for funding and accountability purposes.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The school is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting.

  • The student's school enrollment falls within the Report Start and End Dates.

  • The student is not pre-registered.

  • The Exclude from State Reporting flag is not checked for the Enrollment record.

Note: Student records that have the same entry and exit dates, and that are designated with exit code 11 (Transfer to a public school in the same school district) are excluded.

Graduates: Students that are graduating MUST have the Graduate Exit Code field ([S_CO_STU_X]SeniorExitCode) on the Grad info tab populated with the appropriate graduate exit code for them to be correctly reported as a graduate.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

Select one, all or a selection of Schools. A school selection will only be offered at District Office. When running at a school, only that school will be reported.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected x Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Fall or Spring

Select Fall or Spring.  The selection will be returned as part of the file output name.

Report Start Date

Enter the starting date of the date range for the report. This value defaults to the first day of the selected term.

Report End Date

Enter the ending date of the date range for the report. This value defaults to the current date when left blank.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Field Length

School District/BOCES Code

A unique code assigned to a district by CDE.




State ID (SASID)

A unique ten-digit number must be assigned to each student by CDE.



School Code

A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building.

If the School of Accountability field is populated, then the alternate school number of the selected school is reported. If no alternate school number is specified for the selected school, then the actual school number is reported.

If the School of Accountability field is blank, then the alternate school number of the enrolled school is reported. If no alternate school number is specified for the enrolled school, then the actual school number is reported.

Note: The school number or alternate school number reported matches the time period of the current enrollment or previous enrollment.




First Name

The name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Note: This is the student's legal name. If the legal name field was not populated, the student's preferred name is reported.




Last Name

The name borne in common by members of a family.

Note: This is the student's legal name. If the legal name field was not populated, the student's preferred name is reported.





The student's gender.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Female

  • 02 - Male

  • 03 - Non-Binary

Note: This is the student's legal gender. If the legal gender field was not populated, student's preferred gender is reported.




Date of Birth

The month, day, and year on which an individual was born (i.e. 09151989).


School Entry Date

The month, day, and year on which a student enters and begins to receive an education program in a school.

If the student was included in the end of year membership count during the previous school year, the student must have an entry date at least one day prior to the end of the currently reported school year.




Grade Level

The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters a school or an educational institution during a given school year.




[S_CO_REN_X] Kindergarten


School Entry Type

The process by which a student enters a school during a given school year.




School Exit Withdraw Date

The month, day, and year the student exited a school or grade in your district (i.e. 11052009). If the student completed the school year in your district and did not exit before the end of the school year, this field will be defaulted to “00000000”.


  • When a student’s exit date is October 1, the Student School Association extract will report Funding Code 86, regardless of the value stored.

  • Values entered in to the Graduation Date field will be evaluated BEFORE the exit date in the student’s current enrollment.

  • Students that are continuing in the district will correctly report with zeros for the exit date and code, both pre and post PowerSchool EOY.





School Exit Withdraw Type

The circumstances under which the student exited from membership.

Note: For grade levels 9-12. Values entered in to the Graduate Exit Code field will be evaluated BEFORE the exit code in the student’s current enrollment.

Graduates: Students that are graduating MUST have the Graduate Exit Code field ([S_CO_STU_X]SeniorExitCode) on the Grad info tab populated with the appropriate graduate exit code for them to be correctly reported as a graduate.

If the The charter school is authorized by the Colorado Charter School Institute flag (available as part of district information) is checked and the school entry date is same as the school exit date, and school exit type = 11, then the student record is excluded from the report. However, if the flag is not checked, the student record is included in the report.





Retention Code

Indicates if a student is being retained at the current grade level for the next school year.




Pupil’s Attendance Information

For each record submitted provide a code from either the "A" or "B" grouping depending on whether the student is currently attending a district program (A) or is a resident student attending an educational program not operated by the reporting district (B).




County Code of Residence for Joint School Districts

The County of residence for students who live in a district with boundaries that cross more than one county.




District of Parent’s Residence

School district where the parent/guardian resides, if the student attends a district other than the school district of residence and resides in CO.  This will default to your District Number if the Attendance code is not 04 or 05.




Country of Parent’s Residence for Non-Residence Students

Country code where the parent/guardian resides, for foreign exchange students.  This will default to zero-filled if the Attendance code is not 04 or 05.




State of Parent’s Residence for Non-Residence Students

State code where the parent/guardian resides, if the student attends a district other than the school district of residence. This will default to zero-filled if the Attendance code is not 04 or 05.




Public School Finance Funding Status

The student’s public school finance funding status.

Note: The condition where the report extracted Funding Code 86 if a student’s exit date was October 1 is removed.




Date First Enrolled in the U.S.

The date a student first enrolled in any public or non-public US school (not including Puerto Rico).

MMDDYYYY format or zero.




Primary School

Indicate if this school is the primary school for funding for this student in your district.

Always 1


Independent Student

A program established by the school district under the supervision of a certificated or licensed teacher and included in the student's academic schedule.




Expelled Education

A program established to provide educational services pursuant to section 22-33-203 to expelled pupils.




Home Based Education

The student is a home school student and receiving some services from the district.




Gifted General Intellect Ability

Student is identified as gifted in general or specific intellectual ability.




Gifted Creativity or Productive Thinking

Student is identified as gifted in creativity.




Gifted Leadership Abilities

Student is identified as gifted in leadership ability.




Gifted Reading

Student is identified as gifted in reading.




Gifted Writing

Student is identified as gifted in writing.




Gifted Math

Student is identified as gifted in mathematics.




Gifted Science

Student is identified as gifted in science.




Gifted Social Studies

Student is identified as gifted in social studies.




Gifted World Language

Student is identified as gifted in world language.




Gifted Visual Arts

Student is identified as gifted in visual arts.




Non-School Program

Indicates a program not run by the student's school.




Gifted Performing Arts

Student is identified as gifted in drama and theater.




Gifted Musical

Student is identified as gifted in music.




Gifted Dance

Student is identified as gifted in dance.




Gifted Psychomotor

Student is identified as gifted in psychomotor ability.




Total Days Attended by Students

The aggregate number of whole and partial days the students have attended school for the current school year. It is calculated by adding the number of days each student attended (full and partial days) in the current school year. A decimal is added to the tenths place.



Total Days Excused by Students

The aggregate number of whole and partial days that students had excused absences (out of school), for the current school year. Absence due to a suspension is excused. (A student who is tardy is not considered to be absent). A decimal is added to the tenths place.



Total Days Unexcused by Students

The aggregate number of whole and partial days students were absent (out of school), without being excused from a parent/guardian for the current school year. (A student who is tardy is not considered to be absent). A decimal is added to the tenths place.



Total Possible Attendance Days

The aggregate number of whole and partial days students would have attended school if there had been no absences for the current school year. A decimal is added to the tenths place. It is calculated by adding the number of days that each student was enrolled in the current school year. Expelled students are included until date of expulsion.



Truant Status

Indicates habitually truant students who are at least the age of six and under the age of seventeen years on or before August 1 of the year in question, who have four total days of Unexcused Absences from a public school in any one calendar month: calculated by the sum of unexcused absences converted to days and fractions of days.

  • 0 - Student was not habitually truant

  • 1 - Truant 4 or more days in a month

  • 2 - Truant 10 or more days in a school year

  • 3 - Truant for both conditions



Total Days Missed Due to Out-of School Suspensions

The aggregate number of whole and partial days the student was absent due to out-of-school suspensions. A decimal is added to the tenths place.

Note: The difference between Action Begin Date and Action End Date is used to calculate this value. Only in-session days will be considered and weekends will be excluded.   



Post Secondary Program Enrollment'

The post-secondary program to which the student is enrolled.



Independent Study Course

Valid values:

  • 0 - The checkbox is not checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page.

  • 1- The checkbox is checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page

Note: If the student has current enrollment and previous enrollment records within the 2024 - 2025 school year, then two records will be displayed in the report output.




Work-Based Learning Opportunity

Valid values:

  • 0 - The checkbox is not checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page.

  • 1- The checkbox is checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page

Note: If the student has current enrollment and previous enrollment records within the 2024 - 2025 school year, then two records will be displayed in the report output.




Blended Learning Course

Valid values:

  • 0 - The checkbox is not checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page.

  • 1- The checkbox is checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page

Note: If the student has current enrollment and previous enrollment records within the 2024 - 2025 school year, then two records will be displayed in the report output.




Supplemental Online Course

Valid values:

  • 0 - The checkbox is not checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page.

  • 1- The checkbox is checked in the Demographics page or Edit Previous Enrollment page

Note: If the student has current enrollment and previous enrollment records within the 2024 - 2025 school year, then two records will be displayed in the report output.




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