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Graduation Guideline Interchange


This report is used to to record the credentials earned by students during the current school year. Records in this report represent the graduation guidelines that a student completed during the school year. Refer to Graduation Guidelines Reporting for more information.

Selection Criteria 

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must have completed one or more graduation guidelines while in grades 9 - 12.

  • The graduation guideline must have been completed during the reporting period.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting. 

Report Input

  For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools

Select the school(s) to include in the report.

Note: The option to select multiple schools is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the records prior to running the report.

Begin Date

Enter the starting date of the date range for the report. This value defaults to the first day of the selected term.

End Date

Enter the ending date of the date range for the report. This value defaults to the last day of the selected term.

Enrolled Students only

When checked, the report will pull all graduation guideline data (including data from previous years) for students enrolled in the date range defined by the Begin and End Date parameters. When not checked, the report will only return graduation guideline data that occurred within the date range defined by the Begin and End Date parameters.

Include Validation Columns

Select the checkbox to include below Audit/Validation columns in the report output

  • Tests/Stored Grades

  • Local Course-Section number

  • Alt Course Number

  • Test Score

  • Test Name

  • Score Name 

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element






School District/BOCES Code

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = DistrictNumber




The state assigned student number.





A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building.

If the School of Accountability field is populated, then the alternate school number of the selected school is reported. If no alternate school number is specified for the selected school, then the actual school number is reported.

If the School of Accountability field is blank, then the alternate school number of the enrolled school is reported. If no alternate school number is specified for the enrolled school, then the actual school number is reported.

Note: The school number or alternate school number reported matches the time period of the current enrollment or previous enrollment.






The student's first name.






The student's last name.






The student's gender.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Female

  • 02 - Male

  • 03 - Non-Binary






The student’s date of birth.





The type of graduation guideline.

Valid values:

  • 0 (English)

  • 1 (Math)

If the graduation guideline is a test, and both [S_CO_TST_X]GradGuidelineTest
[S_CO_TSC_X]GradGuidelineBenchmark are populated, the value is derived from [S_CO_TSC_X]GradGuidelineBenchmark

Guidelines that come from stored grades will report as either Math or English based on the State Course Code value (alt course number of the course - [CoursesCoreFields]alt_course_number)

  • If the State Course Code value starts with 01, the record will report as the English Benchmark

  • If the State Course Code value starts with 02, the record will report as the Math Benchmark

Note: If the graduation guideline is industry certification, the stored grade will be reported as two rows (both with the same grade). One row will report with a 0 and the second will report with a 1.




The graduation guideline name.

Valid values:

  • ACR (Classic Accuplacer - Reading Comprehension)

  • ACS (Classic Accuplacer - Sentence Skills)

  • ACE (Classic Accuplacer - Elementary Algebra)

  • ANR (Next-Generation Accuplacer - Reading)

  • ANW (Next-Generation Accuplacer - Writing)

  • AR (Next-Generation Accuplacer - Arithmetic)

  • QAS (Next-Generation Accuplacer - Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics)

  • AAF (Next-Generation Accuplacer - Advanced Algebra and Function)

  • ACT (ACT)

  • AWK (ACT WorkKeys)

  • AP (Advanced Placement)


  • CAP (District Capstone)

  • CE (Concurrent Enrollment)

  • IC (Industry Certificate) for courses marked as Industry Certificates. Previously, the value extracted was CRT for Industry Certificate courses. 

  • IB (International Baccalaureate)

  • SAT (SAT)

  • COL (Collaboratively developed, standards-based performance assessment)

If the graduation guideline is a test, the value is derived from: 


 If the graduation guideline is an ACCUPLACER test:


If the graduation guideline is from a Concurrent Enrollment:

CE students are identified by a Post Secondary Program value of 02 and the existence of a course enrollment into at least one college level course.

Path: Start Page> [Select Student]> State/Province-CO> Post Secondary Enrollment> Post Secondary Program

Path: Start Page> School/District Setup> Courses> [Select Course]> Course Level

Path: Start Page< School Setup> Section> [Select Course]> [Select Section]> Course Level

Note: CE guidelines can also come from tests and test scores. In that case, the setup mentioned above is not applicable and the student's test score will generate the record.

If the graduation guideline is from an Industry Certificate:

IC students are identified by the Industry Certificate Student flag being checked and the existence of a course enrollment into a course/section that is flagged as an Industry Certificate Course.

Path: Start Page> [Select Student]> State/Province-CO> Grad Info> Industry Certificate Student

Path: Start Page> School/District Setup> Courses> [Select Course]> Industry Certificate Course

Path: Start Page< School Setup> Section> [Select Course]> [Select Section]> Industry Certificate Course

Note: IC guidelines can also come from tests and test scores. In that case, the setup mentioned above is not applicable and the student's test score will generate the record.




The score value associated with the graduation guideline.

If the graduation guideline is a test, the value identified in the [S_CO_TST_X]GradGuidelineScoreField field determines which of the 3 test score fields will be extracted.

  • [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore

  • [StudentTestScore]NumScore

  • [StudentTestScore]PercentScore

If the graduation guideline is either a concurrent enrollment or an industry certification, the value is extracted from:

  • [StoredGrades]Grade




The year the student completed the graduation guideline.

From tests: [StudentTest]TestDate

From stored grades: [StoredGrades]DateStored



Tests/Stored Grades 

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

'T' indicates Tests

'SG' indicates Stored Grades

'T' indicates Tests

'SG' indicates Stored Grades



Local Course-Section number

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

The Local Course and Section number of the Source Course Enrollment for the guideline record

Applicable for Stored Grades only

Displays Local Course-Section number of source course enrollment


Alt Course Number

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

The Alternate Course Number for the Course 

Applicable for Stored Grades only

Displays Alt Course Number


Test Score

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

The Source Test Score which indicates if the Score is alpha, percent or numeric.

Applicable for Tests only



Test Name

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

The Source Test Name

Applicable for Tests only



Score Name

Validation column, appears only when Include Validation Columns checkbox is checked when running the report.

The Source Score Name

Applicable for Tests only


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