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Rigorous HS Indicator Calculation

The following must be met for a student to receive the Rigorous HS Indicator:

  • The class the student has taken must have the appropriate subject area in the Rigorous HS Indicator in either Historical Grades ([S_MD_SGR_X]Rigorous_HS_Indicator) or Course ([S_MD_CRS_X]Rigorous_HS_Indicator)
  • The class the student has taken must have Potential Credit hours greater than zero in Historical Grades ([StoredGrades]potentialcrhrs).
  • The class the student has taken must have, in Historical Grades, a Grade Scale Name ([S_MD_SGR_X]Grade_Scale_Name) or the Associated Grade Scale ([StoredGrades]gradeScale_Name) that has a Letter Grade Mapping that indicates which grades are 'B or Greater' ([S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C]Code04)
  • The class the student has taken must have a B or greater in the following number of Rigorous HS Indicated courses:
    • Mathematics - 1 course
    • Science - 4 courses
    • Approved Advanced Tech Ed - 2 courses
    • Foreign Language - 2 courses in the same Foreign Language


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Set Up


District > Courses > View Master Course List > Edit >

Rigorous HS Indicator

Select the indicator for Rigorous High School course. See the Appendix for a full list of the codes and descriptions


Historical Grades

Student Selection > Historical Grades> Edit>

Rigorous HS Indicator

Select the indicator for Rigorous High School course. See the Appendix  for a full list of the codes and descriptions.


Potential Credit Hours

Enter a value for the Potential Credits


Grade Scale NameSelect the Grade Scale (Letter Grade Mapping) that is setup for HS Rigorous Indicator. If left blank the Default Letter Grade Mapping is used.[S_MD_SGR_X]Grade_Scale_Name

Grade Scale

District > Letter Grade Mapping > Select a grade scale > Edit >

Counts Towards HS Rigorous Indicator (B or greater)Select the grades that count for B or greater.[S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C]Code04



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