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Enhanced User Interface


PowerSchool launched the PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface features in version! This feature greatly simplifies the navigation and use of the PowerSchool SIS administrator portal. This is enabled using Security Groups or User Access Roles.

Refer to the Enhanced User Interface for more information. 

Maryland State-specific Navigation on Enhanced User Interface

Classic Page Name

Classic Location

Enhanced User Interface Page Name

Enhanced User Interface Location


Maryland State Information

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information

State Information

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information

Maryland State Information

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information

General Information

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, General Information

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information, CRDC

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)


Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information, Civil Rights Data Collection

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

ELL and Immigrants (ELL)

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information, ELL and Immigrants (ELL)

ELL and Immigrants (ELL)

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, ELL and Immigrants (ELL)

HS Assessment and Completer Information

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information, High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

HS Assessment and Completer Information

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information

Demographic Data

Go to Start, Students, Maryland State Information,

Demographic Data

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information, Demographic Data

HSC Data

Start, Students, Maryland State Information,

HSA Data

Go to People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information, HSA Data

Additional Info

Start, Students, Maryland State Information,

Additional Info

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information, Additional Info


Start, Students, Maryland State Information,


People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information, MHSA/CCR

Pretest Info

Start, Students, Maryland State Information,

Pretest Info

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information, Pretest Info

HS Assessment

Start, Students, Maryland State Information,

HS Assessment

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, HS Assessment and Completer Information

KRA/ELS Readiness Assessment Pretest Information

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, KRA/ELA Readiness Assessment

KRA/ELA Readiness Assessment Pretest Information

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, KRA/ELA Readiness Assessment Pretest Information

MSA and (Alt-MSA) - Science

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, MSA and (Alt-MSA) - Science

MSA & (Alt-MSA) - Science

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, MSA & (Alt-MSA) - Science

Testing Accommodations

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, Testing Accommodations

Testing Accommodations

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, State Information, Testing Accommodation

Testing Status, Exemptions, and Accommodation

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, Testing Status, Exemptions, and Accommodation

Testing Status, Exemptions, and Accommodations

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, Maryland State Information, Testing Status, Exemptions, and Accommodations

Obsolete Student Information

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, Obsolete Student Information

Obsolete ELL Pretest File Submission

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, Obsolete ELL Pretest File Submission

ELL Pretest File Submission

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, Obsolete Student Information , ELL Pretest File Submission

Obsolete PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile

Start, Students, Maryland State Information, Obsolete PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile

PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile

People, Students, Student Search, Compliance, Obsolete Student Information, PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile



Start, Staff, Staff Info, Civil Rights Data Collection

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

People, Staff, Staff Search, Compliance, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)


Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Start, District Management, District Information

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

District Management, Compliance, State Information 

Maryland High School Assessment Setup

Start, District Management, High School Assessment Setup

High School Assessment Setup,

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, High School Assessment Setup 

Special Education Value Setup

Start, District Management,Special Program Setup

Special Education Value Setup

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, Special Education Value Setup

Letter Grade Mapping

Start, District Management, Letter Grade Mapping

Letter Grade Mapping

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, Letter Grade Mapping

Term Grade Mapping

Start, District Management, Term Grade Mapping

Term Grade Mapping

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, Term Grade Mapping

Online IEP Setup

Start, District Management, Online IEP Setup

Online IEP setup

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, Online IEP setup

Student Contact Adoption Status

Start, District Management, Student Contact Adoption Status

Student Contact Adoption Status

District Management, Compliance,  State Information, Student Contact Adoption Status

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