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School Setup



The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Attendance Conversions

Define attendance conversions.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.



Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer

Defining Attendance Conversion Items

Attendance Conversion Items

Attendance Conversion Items

Define attendance conversion items for each attendance conversion.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.



Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer

Defining Attendance Tracking and Notification

Attendance Mode Value

Choose the attendance mode used as the default for your school:

  • (MPTD) Meeting Period to Day
  • (MTTD) Meeting Time to Day
  • (DCTD) Daily Code to Day
  • (DTTD) Daily Time to Day

[Gen]Value=MPTD, MTTD, DCTD, or DTTD




Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

EOY Attendance Extract

Tracking Category

The page displays Unexcused to indicate that the attendance code category selected will be used to track unexcused absences. This must be set up for use with the EOY Attendance Extract.



Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

EOY Attendance Extract

Attendance Category

Choose the attendance code category dedicated to tracking unexcused absences from the pop-up menu.

Attendance code categories can only be used once, so the pop-up menu displays all attendance code categories set up for your school, except for those already associated with an unexcused reporting category.





Refresh Attendance Tracking Data


Select the radio button for:

  • Absent – Indicates that this unexcused tracking category is used to track absences.





Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

Bell Schedules

Define bell schedules.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.



Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer

Attendance Codes

Define attendance codes.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.



Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer

Courses > [select course] > Edit/Add Course

Exclude From State Reporting

Select Yes to exclude this course from the state reports. The default is No. If excluded, all sections of this course will be excluded.



Exclude from Course Grade ReportSelect Yes to exclude this course from the course grade report. The default is No. If excluded, all sections of this course will be excluded.[S_MD_CRS_X]ExcludeFromCourseGradeReport1
Subject CodeSelect the course subject code.[S_MD_CRS_X]Subject_Code4
Grade LevelSelect the course grade level.[S_MD_CRS_X]State_Grade_Level2
Time of YearIf time of year is selected, the selected value will extract for all sections of this course, unless overridden at the section level[S_MD_CRS_X]Time_of_Year1
Concentrator Designation

Select Yes if this course is a Concentrator. The default is No.

  • Yes = C
  • No = 0
Instruction Outside of School FlagSelect Yes if this course is outside of school.[S_MD_CRS_X]HSA_Subject_Flag1
Outside School NumberEnter the school number if instruction at an outside school.[S_MD_CRS_X]Outside_School_Number4
AP/Honors Indicator

Indicate if the course is an AP or Honors course. The default is No.

  • A = AP Course
  • H = Honors
  • Blank = No
International Baccalaureate (IB)Select Yes if this is an international baccalaureate course.[S_MD_CRS_X]Intertational_Baccalaureate1
HSA Subject Flag

Choose the HSA Subject Flag. The default is Course Not Associated with an HSA test.

MSA Subject Flag

Choose the MSA Subject Flag. The default is Course Not Associated with an MSA-tested Grade or Subject.

Technology EducationSelect if this course is technology education.[S_MD_CRS_X]TechnologyEd1
Advanced Technology EducationSelect if this course is advanced technology education.[S_MD_CRS_X]Advanced_TechnologyEd1
Non-Traditional CourseSelect it this is a non-traditional course. The course is a derived version of the traditional course such as a support course or pull-out program.[S_MD_CRS_X]NonTraditional1
Include in KRA/ELA Readiness AssessmentSelect to exclude from KRA/ELA reading assessment.[S_MD_CRS_X]Include_KRA_TF1
MD Test Code SubjectEnter the MD Test Code Subject if applicable. If the test is selected on a course, the test applies to all sections.[S_MD_CRS_X]Test_Code_Subject4

MCAP Student Accommodation File

MCAP Student Classes file


HS GOV/MISA Accommodations Update

SCED Course CodesSelect the SCED course code for the course. View Codes[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]sced_course_code1
Course LevelChoose the course level.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_XX]Course_Level6
Grade SpanEnter the Lowest and Highest Grade for the course.



LEA Course DescriptionEnter the LEA course description.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]LEA_Course_Description1000
Course Grade Point Average ApplicabilitySelect if course grade point average is applicable.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]course_gpa1
Course Content StandardsChoose the course content standards. Leave blank if not applicable.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]Course_Content_Standards2
High School Course RequirementSelect if the course is a High School course requirement.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]HS_Course_Req1
K12 End of Course RequirementSelect if the course is a k12 end-of-course requirement.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]K12_EndofCourse_Req1
CTE Course Certification DescriptionEnter the description of the CTE course certification.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]Course_Cert_Description100
Family and Consumer Sciences Course IndicatorSelect if the course is a family and consumer sciences course.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]FACS_Course_Indicator1
Technology Education Indicator

Choose the technology education indicator.

  • ATE - Advanced Technology Education
  • GTE - General Technology Education
  • NONE - None
Delivery TypeChoose the course delivery type.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]Delivery_Type4
Instructional LanguageChoose the instructional language.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]Inst_Language6
National Collegiate Athletic Association EligibilitySelect if the course is National Collegiate Athletic Association eligible.[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]NCAA_Eligibility1
IPED S ID for Institute of Higher EducationEnter the school code for the IPED S ID for Institute of Higher Education if applicable. [S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]IPEDS_SchoolCode6

Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit/Add Section


Select the periods in which this course section is offered.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Section Number

Enter the section number.


Max 10

Student Course Grade Teacher

Grade Level

Enter the grade level of this course/section.



Class Level Membership

Exclude Section From State Reporting

Select Yes to exclude this section from the state reports. The default is No.



Class Level Membership

Student Course Grade Teacher

Exclude from Course Grade Report

Select Yes to exclude this course from the Student Course Grade Teacher report.



Student Course Grade Teacher

MD Test Code SubjectEnter the MD Test Code Subject if applicable. If the test is selected on a section, the test applies only to that section.[S_MD_SEC_X]Test_Code_Subject4

MCAP Student Accommodation File

MCAP Student Classes file


HS GOV/MISA Accommodations Update

Include in KRA/ELA Readiness Reports

Check the box to include this section in the KRA reports.

If the Course check box is already selected, there is no need to check the box in the section(s).



Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

Long Term Substitute

Enter Y if a course is currently being taught by a long-term substitute.

According to the Maryland State Department of Education guidelines, a long-term substitute is a substitute teacher who is assigned to a class for more than four weeks. At this point the long-term substitute becomes the teacher of record.

[S_MD_SEC_X]Long_Term_ Substitute


Class Level Membership

Long Term Sub Social Security Number

Type the social security number for the long-term substitute.



Class Level Membership

Time of Year

Select the time of year when this course section is offered. Leave this field blank to use the Time of Year value entered for the course on the Edit Course page.



Class Level Membership

Instruction Outside of School Flag

Select Yes if this course is taught outside of the school. The default is No.



Student Course Grade Teacher

School Number

If Instruction Outside of School (above) is Yes, enter the Enter the valid 4-digit MSDE school number of the school where the student(s) receive instruction.



CTE Enrollment Extract

Student Course Grade Teacher

AP/Honors Indicator

Select A if this course is an AP course or H if this course is an Honors course. The default is No, indicating the course is a standard course.



Student Course Grade Teacher

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Select Yes if this course is an International Baccalaureate course. The default is No.



Student Course Grade Teacher

HSA Subject Flag

The HSA Pre-Requisite Flag has been repurposed as the HAS Subject Flag. Select one of the following values:

  • A = Algebra
  • B = Biology
  • E = English
  • N = Course not associated with an HSA test



Student Course Grade Teacher

MSA Subject Flag

The HSA Pre-Requisite Flag has been repurposed as the HAS Subject Flag. Select one of the following values:

  • A = Algebra
  • B = Biology
  • E = English
  • N = Course not associated with an HSA test
  • 1 = Reading and Math (RM)
  • 2 = Reading and Science (RS)
  • 3 = Math and Science (MS)
  • 4 = Reading, Math and Science (RMS)



Student Course Grade Teacher

Multiple Teacher Course Flag

Select Yes if this course is taught by multiple teachers. The default is No.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Secondary Teacher

If the Multiple Teacher Course Flag equals Yes, select the secondary teacher that teaches this course from the list.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Tertiary Teacher

If the Multiple Teacher Course Flag equals Yes, select the secondary teacher that teaches this course from the list, if applicable to this course.



Student Course Grade Teacher

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