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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-230201HS Assessment and Completer Information - MHSA/CCR - Update

The following updates are made:

  • On the Maryland High School Assessment page, a section is added for the Next Generation ACCUPLACER.
  • A new section for test scores, named Next Generation ACCUPLACER, is located on the HS Assessment and Completer Information - MHSA/CCR page.
  • Previous test results are located in the HS Assessment and Completer Information - MHSA/CCR Accuplacer Results Previous Years section.
PSSR-230210PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile - Update

A new field, Extended Time Length, is added to the PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Profile page.

PSSR-230202Student Course Grade Teacher (SCGT) Report and Edit Enrollment Record Page Updates

Student Course Grade Teacher (SCGT) Report
The following changes are made to the report:

  • A new field, Attempted Course Certification ([S_MD_CC_X]Attempted_Course_Cert), is added.
  • A new field, Earned Course Certification ([S_MD_SGR_X]Earned_Course_Cert), is added.

Edit Enrollment Record Page
The following updates are made:

  • A new field, Attempted Course Certification ([S_MD_CC_X]Attempted_Course_Cert), is added.
  • A new field Earned Course Certification ([S_MD_SGR_X]Earned_Course_Cert) is added.
  • An Obsolete section is created.
  • Exclude From Course Grade Report is moved to the Obsolete section of the page.
  • Completion Status is moved to the Obsolete section of the page.
PSSR-230626Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) Codes - Update

The Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) codes are updated per MSDE requirements.

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