Standard Student Demographic String
The following reports utilize the Standard Student Demographic String and will refer to this page if applicable:
Attendance Extract (Early, End of Year, Sep 30)
Attendance Extract Sep 30: The New Race Data Elements in positions 161-166 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 111-116). The exception to this is Position 111 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 166 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 167 will default to '0' as blank.
Census Tract and Block File
Discipline Extract
High School Assessment Status, College and Career Readiness, and Completers
Student Course Grade Teacher Report
These reports will refer to this page for the fields noted in the Report Output section.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Column | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Begin/ |
1 | A | LEA Number | The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information. | [Prefs]MD_DistrictLEA | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 1-2 |
2 | B | School Number | The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page, Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [Students]SchoolID OR [ReEnrollments]SchoolID OR [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 3-6 |
3 | C | State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | The student identification number assigned by the Maryland State Department of Education. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Alpha-numeric | 10 | 7-16 |
4 | D | Local Student ID Number | The student identification number assigned by the school. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 10 | 17-26 |
5 | E | Last Name | The last name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics, or if the legal last name is populated on the Maryland State Information page, Start Page>Student Selection>Maryland State Information. | [Students]Last_Name OR | Alpha-numeric | 25 | 27-51 |
6 | F | First Name | The first name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics, or if the legal first name is populated on the Maryland State Information page, Start Page>Student Selection>Maryland State Information. | [Students]First_Name OR | Alpha-numeric | 15 | 52-66 |
7 | G | Middle Name | The middle initial of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics , or if the legal middle name is populated on the Maryland State Information page, Start Page>Student Selection>Maryland State Information. | [Students]Middle_Name OR | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 67-81 |
8 | H | Generational Code or Suffix | The generational code or suffix of the student, if applicable. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics, or if the legal suffix is populated on the Maryland State Information page, Start Page>Student Selection>Maryland State Information. | [S_MD_STU_X]Generation OR [Students.StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 82-84 |
9 | I | Preferred Name | Optional - The alternative first name preferred by the student | [Students]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 15 | 85-99 |
10 | J | Date of Birth | The birth date of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. Format: YYYYMMDD | [Students]DOB | Numeric | 8 | 100-107 |
11 | K | Grade | The grade level of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page or the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics or Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment. | [Students]Grade_Level OR [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 108-109 |
12 | L | Gender | The student's gender. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics, or if the legal gender is populated on the Maryland State Information page, Start Page>Student Selection>Maryland State Information. The alpha character is converted to a one-digit numeric code when the report is run: 1 for male, 2 for female and X for Non-Binary. | [Students]Gender OR [Students.StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 110-110 |
13 | M | Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity | Is Y if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino or an N if the student’s ethnicity is not Hispanic or Latino. This field value is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. If the Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino? field is blank, this field value is extracted from the Hispanic or Latino field on the Maryland State Reporting page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [Students]FedEthnicity OR [S_MD_STU_X]Hispan_Lat_TF | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 111-111 |
14 - 18 | N - R | Race Codes | These fields contain the number that identify the applicable race codes for the student. If a check box is not selected, a 0 is assigned to that position. The race code values are extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. If the race code check boxes are not populated on the Edit Demographics page, the values are extracted from the race code check boxes on the Maryland State Reporting page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. See the Appendix for valid Race Codes | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Amer_Ind_TF [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Asian_TF [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Black_TF [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Hawaiian_TF [S_MD_STU_X]Race_White_TF | Alpha-numeric | 5 | 112-116 |
19 | S | Homeless Status | The student's homeless status. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes OR N = No | [S_MD_STU_X].Homeless OR [S_MD_REN_X]Homeless | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 117-117 |
20 | T | Title One | The student's Title 1 status. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes OR N = No | [S_MD_STU_X]Title_One | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 118-118 |
21 | U | FARMS | The student's free and reduced lunch status. Extracted from the Lunch page, Start Page > Student Selection > Lunch. F = Eligible for free lunch, OR N = No, OR R = Eligible for reduced price lunch HS GOV/MISA Pre-Id - If a student's lunch status is FDC or RDC the Economically Disadvantaged (previously Free/Reduced Price Meals Eligibility) reports as 'Y', otherwise it is reported as 'N'. | [Students]LunchStatus OR [Reenrollments]Lunchstatus [S_MD_SCH_X]CEP_Flag | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 119-119 |
22 | V | Migrant | The Migrant indicator for this student. Extracted from the Log Entry page, Student Selection > Log Entries. If the Migrant Indicator field blank on the Log Entry page, it is extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes OR N = No | [Students]Migrant OR [S_MD_REN_X]Migrant | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 120-120 |
23 | W | Foreign Exchange Student Indicator | The code identifying if the student is a foreign exchange student. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information Y = Yes OR N = No | [S_MD_STU_X]Foreign_Exchange | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 121-121 |
24 | X | Special Education (SE) Indicator | The student’s special education status. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. E = Exited, N = No, Y = Yes, 2 = Section 504 Status OR 3 = Exited Special Education and placed in Section 504 Status | [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education OR [S_MD_REN_X]Special_Education | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 122-122 |
25 | Y | Special Education End Date | The date the student exited special education. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Format: YYYYMMDD | [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_End | Numeric | 8 | 123-130 |
26 | Z | Special Education Certification | Indicates if the student has a special education certificate. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information Y = Yes OR N = No | [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Ed_Certificate | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 131-131 |
27 | AA | English Learner (EL) Status | The student’s ELL status if the student is currently enrolled in an ELL program. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL OR [S_MD_REN_X]ELL | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 132-132 |
28 | AB | English Learner Entry into the US Date | The student's First Date in a US School. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Format: YYYYMMDD | [S_MD_STU_X]First_Date_In_US_School | Numeric | 8 | 133-140 |
29 | AC | English Learner Service Begin Date | The date the student began EL services. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Format: YYYYMMDD | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_Begin_Date | Numeric | 8 | 141-148 |
30 | AD | English Learner Service End Date | The date the student exited EL services. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Format: YYYYMMDD | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_End_Date | Numeric | 8 | 149-156 |
31 | AE | English Learner ELA Assessment Exempt Status | Indicates that the student is receiving ESOL services in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school and is exempt from the PARCC English/Language Arts assessment. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes OR N = No (new for 2018) | [S_MD_STU_X]PARCC_LEPReadingExempt | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 157-157 |
32 | AF | Foster Care Status | Indicates that the student is in foster care. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes OR N = No (new for 2018) | [S_MD_STU_X]Foster_Care_TF OR [S_MD_REN_X]Foster_Care_TF | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 158-158 |
33 | AG | Military Connected Indicator | Indicates if the student's parent or guardian is on Active Duty. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Y = Yes, N = No, OR U = Unknown (new for 2018) | [S_MD_STU_X]Military_Dependent OR [S_MD_REN_X]Military_Dependent | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 159-159 |
34 | AI | Filler | Numeric | 33 | 160-192 | ||
35 | AJ | Submission Date | The current date. Format: YYYYMMDD | Date report is run. | Numeric | 8 | 193-200 |