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Maryland Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Maryland provides a wide variety of Maryland-specific reports.The table below lists these reports by report type.

Tip: Click a report name link to go to that report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Attendance Extract (Early, End of Year, Sep 30)

Extracts student attendance information for the September 30th, Early and EOY submissions.

Early: 4/25

September 30th

Career and Technical Enrollment Report

Extracts enrollment data for students enrolled in a CTE program during the current school year. The CTE student enrollment data collected in the extract is used for the distribution of CTE Technical Achievement data collection reports.


Class Level Membership

Reports students who are being instructed in core academic classes by the teacher instructing them.


Obsolete - Discipline Extract

Use the Student Discipline Extract option to extract all Log Entry information for students following the state guidelines and format.

See: and perform a search for Due Dates

ELL Enrollment and Pretest SubmissionProduces the ELL Enrollment and Pretest (Public ELs and Immigrants) submission. 


Generates the Daily Attendance Extract for the department.

Submitted daily

High School Assessment Status, College and Career Readiness, and Completers

This report provides student demographic and assessment information.

Maryland requires all students to pass the Maryland High School Assessments to graduate. This requirement begins with students who entered ninth grade in or after 2005.

The High School Completion data collection that is captured as of the end of the school year is combined with a new High School Assessment status reporting component.


Maryland Course CatalogProvides a list of the courses offered by the LEA. 
Obsolete - Public ELL and Immigrants SubmissionProvides October Public ELL and immigrants information. 

SASID Extract - 111 Byte

Extracts student information for students following the state guidelines and format.

See: and perform a search for Due Dates

Student Arrest CollectionCollects student arrest information. 

Student Course Grade Teacher Report

Extracts course assignment records from the Stored Grades table.


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