On this page:
The data for this extract is used to provide the Health Department with daily enrollment and attendance totals for the ESSENCE project (Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics.
Report Input – ESSENCE
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
This report uses the State reporting Platform to generate results.
You will need to install and setup a night transfer via an FTP program to automatically transfer this file from your server to the specified server given by MSDE.
Field | Description |
Report Parameters | Select Set All; this will store your selections for this report which is helpful when you need to submit a new file and you are unsure of how you created your last file. |
Report Date | Leave blank for current date or enter the date you want to use. |
Use Alternate School Numbers | If you require the use of the Alternate School number select Yes. |
Location to store the completed report | Enter the location to restore the completed report on the server. The default is on your PowerSchool server at C:\EssenceReport\Essence.csv. The report is named Essence.csv. |
Trace Log (Internal Option) | Check the enabled button of you would like Trace Enabled. Do not need to Enable. |
Include Query Output in Trace (Internal Option) | If Trace is enabled you can enable the Query Output Row Number Limit. Do not need to set. |
Query Output Row Number Limit (Internal Option) | If Trace is enabled you can enable the Query Output Row Number Limit. Do not need to set. |
Sample Dataset Mode (Internal Option) | You do not need to check this box. |
Scheduling – Please Select When to run | Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run nightly. Check the weekdays only box |
Please Select Schedule Settings | Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click the Repeat and Daily buttons. |
Please select daily repeat cycle options. | Click the Weekdays only box. |
Please select end date range option | Click the No End date or you may complete the Ends On field with the day after you last day of school. |
Submit | Click the submit button. You will be taken to the Report Queue. Once your file is complete, click on the complete button and you will have a PDF file to assist you in compiling your spreadsheet for the State. |
Report Output — ESSENCE
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
1 | Run Date | This field contains run date for the report. Date is reported in YYYYMMDD format | Date | 2 | N/A | |
2 | School Number | School number | [Schools]School_number | Alpha-numeric | 4 | N/A |
3 | School Name | School name | [Schools]School_name | Alpha-numeric | 4 | N/A |
4 | School Zip Code | School zip code | [Schools]zip | Numeric | 5 | N/A |
5 | Number of Students | Number of students enrolled in school for date or report | Calculated | Numeric | N/A | |
6 | Number of Students Absent | Number of students absent in school for date of report. | Calculated | Numeric | N/A |