Student Course Grade Teacher Report
On this page:
Use the Student Course Grade Teacher extract to collect course assignment and grade records from the Courses, Sections and Stored Grades table.
This report uses the State reporting Platform to generate results.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Records for the SCGT report are selected based on the following criteria:
The student must not be excluded from State Reporting.
The student's course enrollment start date must be inclusive of the Report Start Date and Report End Date.
The course/section cannot be excluded from State reporting.
The stored grade selected based on the term grade mapping must not be excluded from state reporting.
Report Setup
You must map the following data prior to running the reports:
Letter Grade Mapping is used to map grade completion statuses to the state Course Final Letter Grades.
Term Grade Mapping is used to map, for each school, the Store Code that should be extracted for each term ID.
These options are found on the District > District Setup page in the Maryland State Information area at the bottom of the page. For example, for school 100, Term ID 2001 (first semester), the store code might be S2 for the final grade for that semester. You must enter a record to designate the Store Code to extract for that term.
You must also run the Store Grades process for a given term.
Grades entered manually into Historical Grades via Single Entry are also used by the report, if the course is the district course. When manually entering out of district courses in Historical Grades, select the Exclude this Historical Grade from State Reporting, as these courses are not collected for the Student Course Grade Teacher report.
During Stored Grades manual entry, if a Course Number is entered, data is pulled from that course if the fields are not populated in the Additional State Fields. If a course section is entered, the data is will be extracted from that section; if blank, data is extracted from the course. If no course number is entered, data is extracted only from the fields on the Stored Grades page. If blanks are found in fields there, blanks will extract for those fields.
During Stored Grades manual entry, you must be logged into the school from which the grades will be extracted, rather than at the District Office.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Report Parameters | Set Select All; this will store your selections for this report which is helpful when you need to submit a new file and you are unsure of how you created your last file. |
Select Schools* | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Select Students* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Report Start Date | Enter the start date for this report |
Report End Date | Enter the end date for this report |
Submission Date | Enter the submission date to be used for this report – enter 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year. |
Academic Year | Enter the academic year for this report – enter 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year. |
Submission Number | Enter the submission sequence number starting with 001. |
Use Alternate School Numbers | If you require the use of the Alternate School number select Yes. |
Append Section ID to Period for These Schools | Select the school if running for current school for which you would like to have the period appended with the section id. Select multiple schools for which you would like to have the period appended with the section id if running for the entire district. On windows hold the Ctrl key for multiple selections. On a Mac hold the Command button for multiple selections. |
Include Column Headings? | Select Yes if you want column headers to be populated on the report output. |
Scheduling Options | Description |
Scheduling – Run Now | Leave Run Now selected to run the report now. |
Submit | Click Submit to run the report now |
Scheduling – Please Select When to run | Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run. |
Please Select Schedule Settings | Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click the Repeat button. |
Please select repeat cycle options. | Choose the applicable option. |
Please select end date range option | Enter the appropriate information. |
Submit | Click Submit to schedule the report |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length |
See Standard Student Demographic String for Items 1 - 35. | |||||
36 | Submission Number | This field contains a sequential number between 001 through 999. | From report parameter page | Numeric | 3 |
37 | Academic Year | This field contains the school year for the student grade records. Format: YYYY | Calculated | Numeric | 4 |
38 | Local Course Code | This field contains the course code. This field value is extracted from the Stored Grades table, Student Selection > Historical Grades or the Course table, District Setup > Courses. | [StoredGrades]Course_Number OR [Courses]Course_Number | Alpha numeric | 10 |
39 | Section Number | This field contains the number identifying the course section. This field value is extracted from the Sections table, School > Sections. | [Sections]ID | Alpha-numeric | 10 |
40 | Section Title | This field contains the course section name. The course name is extracted from the Courses table, District Setup > Courses | [Courses]Course_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 |
41 | Class Period | This field contains the period in which the student took this course section. This field value is extracted from the Sections table, School > Sections. | [Sections]Expression | Alpha-numeric | 50 |
42 | Unique LEA Classroom Key Elements | This is an optional element used as a component of the LEA classroom key; it is used for LEA purposes ONLY. No MSDE required LEA classroom key component should be reported in this field without it also appearing in the appropriate MSDE required field. | Calculated | Alpha-numeric | 10 |
43 | Instruction Outside of School Flag | If this field contains a Y, this course is taught outside of school. This field is extracted from the Stored Grades table, Student Selection > Historical Grades. If the value in the Stored Grades table is blank, it is extracted from the Sections table, School > Sections. If the value in the Sections table is blank, it is extracted from the Courses table, District Setup > Courses. Note: If set to 'Y' the Primary Teacher Gender reports as 0 and Primary Teacher Ethnicity reports as 'N'. | [S_MD_CRS_X]Outside_Of_School OR [S_MD_SEC_X]Outside_Of_School OR [S_MD_SGR_X]Outside_Of_School | Alpha numeric | 1 |
44 | Course Marking Term | This field contains the term in which the student earned the grade for this course. If this field is left blank, the Term is extracted from the Term Grade Mappings table (District >Term Grade Mapping).This field contains identifies the term in which the class was taken. | [S_MD_SGR_X]Course_Term If blank, [S_MD_TermGradeMapping_S]CourseTerm | Numeric | 2 |
45 | Filler | Alpha-numeric | 1 | ||
46 | Course Completion Status | Indicates the student’s final status for the course. | [S_MD_CC_X]Completion_Status | Alpha-numeric | 2 |
47 | Alpha Grade | This field contains the letter grade the student earned in this course. This field is extracted from the Stored Grades table, Student Selection > Historical Grades. | [StoredGrades]grade converted to mapped value in the Letter Grade Mapping table: [S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C]Code01 through [S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C]Code05 [StoredGrades]Grade | Alpha numeric | 2 |
48 | Standards-Based Grade | This field contains the letter grade the student earned in this course. This field is extracted from the Stored Grades table, Student Selection > Historical Grades. Reports as an 'NA' if an Alpha Grade is reported. | [StoredGrades]Grade | Alpha numeric | 28 |
49 | Filler | Alpha numeric | 1 | ||
50 | Filler | Alpha numeric | 1 | ||
51 | Multiple Teacher Course Flag | If this field contains a Y, this course is taught by multiple teachers. If applicable, the secondary and tertiary teacher information displays in the extract. If this field contains an N, this course is taught by one teacher. The secondary and tertiary teacher information is blank for that course. This field is extracted from the Sections table, School > Sections. | [S_MD_SEC_X]Multiple_Teacher_Flag | Alpha numeric | 1 |
52 | Primary Teacher Statewide Identifier | This field contains the Unique Statewide identifier assigned to the primary teacher by the MSDE (SATID). This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [S_MD_USR_X]State_Identifier | Alpha numeric | 10 |
53 | Primary Teacher - Local Employee ID Number | This field contains the local number assigned to the primary teacher by the district. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [S_MD_USR_X]Local_Employee_Number | Alpha numeric | 10 |
54 | Primary Teacher - Last Name | This field contains the last name of the primary teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [Users]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 25 |
55 | Primary Teacher - First Name | This field contains the first name of the primary teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [Users]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 15 |
56 | Primary Teacher -Middle Name | This field contains the middle name of the primary teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [Users]Middle_Name | Alpha-numeric | 15 |
57 | Primary Teacher -Generational Suffix | This field contains the generational suffix of the primary teacher, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [S_MD_USR_X]Generational_Suffix | Alpha-numeric | 3 |
58 | Primary Teacher -Maiden Last Name | This field contains the maiden name of the primary teacher, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [S_MD_USR_X]Maiden_Name | Alpha-numeric | 25 |
59 | Primary Teacher - Date of Birth | This field contains the primary teacher’s birth date. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [UsersCoreFields]DOB | Numeric | 8 |
60 | Primary Teacher -Gender | This field contains the primary teacher’s gender. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 |
61 | Primary Teacher -Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino | A Y in this field identifies the teacher’s ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino. Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information. | [Users]FedEthnicity OR [S_MD_USR_X]Hispan_Lat_TF | Alpha-numeric | 1 |
62 | Primary Teacher - Race | This field contains the staff member’s race. This field is calculated by concatenating the following fields entered on the Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information.
| [TeacherRace]RaceCode OR [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Amer_Ind_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Eth_Asian_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Black_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Hawaiian_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_White_TF | Alpha-numeric | 5 |
63 | Filler | 9 | |||
64 | Secondary Teacher -SATID | This field contains the Unique Statewide identifier assigned to the teacher by the MSDE (SATID). This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [S_MD_USR_X]State_Identifier | Alpha numeric | 10 |
65 | Secondary Teacher - Local Employee ID Number | This field contains the local number assigned to the teacher by the district. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [S_MD_USR_X]Local_Employee_Number | Alpha numeric | 10 |
66 | Secondary Teacher - Last Name | This field contains the last name of the teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [Users]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 25 |
67 | Secondary Teacher - First Name | This field contains the first name of the teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [Users]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 15 |
68 | Secondary Teacher -Middle Name | This field contains the middle name of the teacher. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [Users]Middle_Name | Alpha-numeric | 15 |
69 | Secondary Teacher -Generational Suffix | This field contains the generational suffix of the teacher, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [S_MD_USR_X]Generational_Suffix | Alpha-numeric | 3 |
70 | Secondary Teacher - Maiden Last Name | This field contains the maiden name of the teacher, if applicable. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [S_MD_USR_X]Maiden_Name | Alpha-numeric | 25 |
71 | Secondary Teacher - Date of Birth | This field contains the teacher’s birth date. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [UsersCoreFields]DOB | Numeric | 8 |
72 | Secondary Teacher -Gender | This field contains the teacher’s gender. This field is extracted from the Staff Table, Staff Selection > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 |
73 | Secondary Teacher -Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Flag | A Y in this field identifies the teacher’s ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino. Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information. (Currently blank) | [Users]FedEthnicity OR [S_MD_USR_X]Hispan_Lat_TF | Alpha-numeric | 1 |
74 | Secondary Teacher - Race | This field contains the staff member’s race. This field is calculated by concatenating the following fields entered on the Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information. (Currently blank)
| [TeacherRace]RaceCode OR [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Amer_Ind_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Eth_Asian_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Black_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_Hawaiian_TF [S_MD_USR_X]Race_White_TF | Alpha-numeric | 5 |
75 | Filler | ||||
76 | American Indian or Alaska Native (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
77 | Asian (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
78 | Black or African American (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
79 | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
80 | White (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
81 | Hispanic or Latino (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18). The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
82 | Middle Eastern or North African (Optional) | The New Race Data Elements in positions 76-82 will use the same fields and the same code as the Demographic String Races (Positions 13-18) The exception to this is the Demographic String Position 13 for Hispanic or Latino is Y or N, the New Race Hispanic or Latino data element in position 81 is 0=N and 6=Yes. The ‘New Race Middle Eastern or North African' data element in position 82 will default to '0' as blank. | N/A | Numeric | 1 |
83 | New Primary Teacher Race (Optional) | The new race elements will use the same fields and same code as the data elements in positions 61-62.
| Numeric | 7 | |
84 | New Secondary Teacher Race (Optional) | Defaults to blank. | Numeric | 7 |