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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-284625All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Links Displaying When not Enabled Causing Excessive Logging

The Clock-In/Clock-Out code is now updated to return a valid studentsdcid and a check has been added. These updates will stop the Clock In/Clock Out links from displaying when it has not been enabled and will no longer cause excessive activity in the logs.

PSSR-279318All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report - Days Count Update

Student Incident Profile Report: Version 1.1

Initially, the Student Incident Profile Report has been updated and the Days count will now only factor in in-session days between the action start and end dates.

PSSR-253888Accommodations Search Page

Accommodations Search Screen: Version 1.0

A new report is created that allows users to search by accommodations. The results include the option to set the group of students as the student selection.

PSSR-286883MCAP - Student Accommodation File Update

MCAP - Student Accommodation File: Version 1.6

A report parameter of ‘Default Answer Masking to Yes’ is added to allow the user to generate the report with an override of 'Y' for the Answer Masking columns (EK, EL, EM, and EN).

  • If 'Yes' is selected the report will default columns EK, EL, EM, and EN to ‘Y’ for students who have no value in the Student > State/Province - MD > Testing Accommodations > Answer Masking. If a value is entered here, it is reported.
  • If ‘No’ is selected the report will return the value in the Student > State/Province – MD > Testing Accommodations > Answer Masking. If nothing is entered here, blank is reported.
PSSR-289630MCAP Student Classes File - Update

MCAP - Student Classes File: Version 1.2

The ‘Use Alternative School Numbers’ parameter is fixed to work in the following manner:

  • If a school has an Alternate School Number other than null or 0, and the Use Alternate School Numbers parameter is set to Yes then the Alternate School Number is the Organization Code.
  • If the Use Alternate School Numbers parameter is set to No, then the School Number is the Organization Code.
PSSR-287641Student Course Grade Teacher Report (SCGT) Update

Student Course Grade Teacher Report: Version 3.8

The report logic now looks for Y instead of C in the Transition Course Math or Transition Course ELA fields when calculating the Transition Course or Module.

PSSR-286879Student Course Grade Teacher Report (SCGT) Update

Student Course Grade Teacher Report: Version 3.8

The report is corrected to report the Primary Teacher Gender as 0 and the Primary Teacher Ethnicity as N when the Course/Section ‘Instruction Outside of School Flag’ field is set to Y.

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