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Educational Services Codes

Choose the educational services code from the following options for the student discipline log entry.




No Educational Services Provided (disposition codes 913, 941, 942, and 950 only)


Alternative Education – Programs and/or support that allow the student to continue the student's education outside or within the regular school setting under the control of the public school system (evening high school, twilight program/school, separate alternative school, alternative classroom within regular school, alternative learning supports).


Streaming/On-Line Learning – Instruction through the electronic transfer of information/skills (web-based; computer-based; virtual classroom; digital collaboration).


Class Work Sent Home – Assignments taken from lessons taught in student's classes; sent home for completion; returned to school for grading.


At-Home Instruction – Direct instruction in student's home or other location; focus on core subjects.


Other – Other educational services developed and implemented by the LEA

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